Haskell Platform tweaks

This commit is contained in:
Michael Snoyman 2014-08-19 13:23:40 +03:00
parent decbff1b22
commit 58edb793d3
3 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ dropExcluded bs m0 =
getInstallInfo :: SelectSettings -> IO InstallInfo
getInstallInfo settings = do
putStrLn "Loading Haskell Platform"
core <- do
putStrLn "Loading core packages from global database"
getGlobalPackages $ selectGhcVersion settings
@ -108,14 +106,18 @@ getInstallInfo settings = do
putStrLn $ "Inclusive/exclusive: " ++ incexc
putStrLn "Creating hackage file (for publishing to Stackage server)"
let isHP = requireHaskellPlatform settings
IO.withBinaryFile (incexc </> "hackage") IO.WriteMode $ \hackageH ->
IO.withBinaryFile (incexc </> "create-snapshot.sh") IO.WriteMode
(createHackageFile isInc ii ghcVer date hackageH)
(createHackageFile isInc isHP ii ghcVer date hackageH)
putStrLn "Creating desc file (for publishing to Stackage server)"
System.IO.UTF8.writeFile (incexc </> "desc") $ concat
[ "Stackage build for GHC "
, ghcVer
, if requireHaskellPlatform settings
then " + Haskell Platform"
else ""
, ", "
, date
, ", "

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@ -17,16 +17,18 @@ import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import System.IO (Handle, hPutStrLn, hPutStr)
createHackageFile :: Bool -- ^ inclusive?
-> Bool -- ^ haskell platform?
-> InstallInfo
-> String -- ^ GHC version
-> String -- ^ date
-> Handle -- ^ hackage
-> Handle -- ^ tarballs
-> IO ()
createHackageFile isInc ii ghcVer date hackageH tarballH = do
createHackageFile isInc hp ii ghcVer date hackageH tarballH = do
let stackageFP = concat
[ "../ghc-"
, ghcVer
, if hp then "hp" else ""
, "-"
, date
, if isInc then "-inclusive" else "-exclusive"

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal update
(cd patching/ && ./scripts/create-tarballs.sh)
cabal install
cabal install Cabal-$(cabal --version | sed -n 's@using version \(.*\) of the Cabal library@\1@p')
./dist/build/stackage/stackage select --no-platform
./dist/build/stackage/stackage select $*
./dist/build/stackage/stackage check
./dist/build/stackage/stackage build
./dist/build/stackage/stackage test