2015-05-11 20:23:09 +03:00

107 lines
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module Data.Slug
( Slug
, mkSlug
, mkSlugLen
, safeMakeSlug
, unSlug
, InvalidSlugException (..)
, HasGenIO (..)
, randomSlug
, slugField
) where
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistFieldSql (sqlType))
import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC
import Text.Blaze (ToMarkup)
newtype Slug = Slug Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, PersistField, ToMarkup, Ord, Hashable)
instance PersistFieldSql Slug where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unSlug
unSlug :: Slug -> Text
unSlug (Slug t) = t
mkSlug :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m Slug
mkSlug t
| length t < minLen = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Too short"
| length t > maxLen = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Too long"
| any (not . validChar) t = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Contains invalid characters"
| "-" `isPrefixOf` t = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Must not start with a hyphen"
| otherwise = return $ Slug t
mkSlugLen :: MonadThrow m => Int -> Int -> Text -> m Slug
mkSlugLen minLen' maxLen' t
| length t < minLen' = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Too short"
| length t > maxLen' = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Too long"
| any (not . validChar) t = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Contains invalid characters"
| "-" `isPrefixOf` t = throwM $ InvalidSlugException t "Must not start with a hyphen"
| otherwise = return $ Slug t
minLen, maxLen :: Int
minLen = 3
maxLen = 30
validChar :: Char -> Bool
validChar c =
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
c == '.' ||
c == '-' ||
c == '_'
data InvalidSlugException = InvalidSlugException !Text !Text
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception InvalidSlugException
instance PathPiece Slug where
toPathPiece = unSlug
fromPathPiece = mkSlug
class HasGenIO a where
getGenIO :: a -> MWC.GenIO
instance s ~ RealWorld => HasGenIO (MWC.Gen s) where
getGenIO = id
safeMakeSlug :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasGenIO env)
=> Text
-> Bool -- ^ force some randomness?
-> m Slug
safeMakeSlug orig forceRandom
| needsRandom || forceRandom = do
gen <- liftM getGenIO ask
cs <- liftIO $ replicateM 3 $ MWC.uniformR (0, 61) gen
return $ Slug $ cleaned ++ pack ('_':map toChar cs)
| otherwise = return $ Slug cleaned
cleaned = take (maxLen - minLen - 1) $ dropWhile (== '-') $ filter validChar orig
needsRandom = length cleaned < minLen
toChar :: Int -> Char
toChar i
| i < 26 = toEnum $ fromEnum 'A' + i
| i < 52 = toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i - 26
| otherwise = toEnum $ fromEnum '0' + i - 52
randomSlug :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasGenIO env)
=> Int -- ^ length
-> m Slug
randomSlug (min maxLen . max minLen -> len) = do
gen <- liftM getGenIO ask
cs <- liftIO $ replicateM len $ MWC.uniformR (0, 61) gen
return $ Slug $ pack $ map toChar cs
slugField :: (Monad m, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage) => Field m Slug
slugField =
checkMMap go unSlug textField
go = return . either (Left . tshow) Right . mkSlug
-- | Unique identifier for a snapshot.
newtype SnapSlug = SnapSlug { unSnapSlug :: Slug }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, PersistField, ToMarkup, PathPiece, Ord, Hashable)
instance PersistFieldSql SnapSlug where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unSnapSlug