2015-03-15 18:27:35 +02:00

104 lines
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module Types where
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Data.BlobStore (ToPath (..), BackupToS3 (..))
import Text.Blaze (ToMarkup)
import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistFieldSql (sqlType))
import qualified Data.Text as T
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup, PersistField, IsString)
instance PersistFieldSql PackageName where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unPackageName
newtype Version = Version { unVersion :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup, PersistField)
instance PersistFieldSql Version where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unVersion
newtype PackageSetIdent = PackageSetIdent { unPackageSetIdent :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup, PersistField)
instance PersistFieldSql PackageSetIdent where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unPackageSetIdent
data PackageNameVersion = PNVTarball !PackageName !Version
| PNVNameVersion !PackageName !Version
| PNVName !PackageName
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord)
instance PathPiece PackageNameVersion where
toPathPiece (PNVTarball x y) = concat [toPathPiece x, "-", toPathPiece y, ".tar.gz"]
toPathPiece (PNVNameVersion x y) = concat [toPathPiece x, "-", toPathPiece y]
toPathPiece (PNVName x) = toPathPiece x
fromPathPiece t' | Just t <- stripSuffix ".tar.gz" t' =
case T.breakOnEnd "-" t of
("", _) -> Nothing
(_, "") -> Nothing
(T.init -> name, version) -> Just $ PNVTarball (PackageName name) (Version version)
fromPathPiece t = Just $
case T.breakOnEnd "-" t of
("", _) -> PNVName (PackageName t)
(T.init -> name, version) | validVersion version ->
PNVNameVersion (PackageName name) (Version version)
_ -> PNVName (PackageName t)
validVersion =
all f
f c = (c == '.') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
data StoreKey = HackageCabal !PackageName !Version
| HackageSdist !PackageName !Version
| CabalIndex !PackageSetIdent
| CustomSdist !PackageSetIdent !PackageName !Version
| SnapshotBundle !PackageSetIdent
| HaddockBundle !PackageSetIdent
| HoogleDB !PackageSetIdent !HoogleVersion
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
newtype HoogleVersion = HoogleVersion Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, PathPiece)
currentHoogleVersion :: HoogleVersion
currentHoogleVersion = HoogleVersion VERSION_hoogle
instance ToPath StoreKey where
toPath (HackageCabal name version) = ["hackage", toPathPiece name, toPathPiece version ++ ".cabal"]
toPath (HackageSdist name version) = ["hackage", toPathPiece name, toPathPiece version ++ ".tar.gz"]
toPath (CabalIndex ident) = ["cabal-index", toPathPiece ident ++ ".tar.gz"]
toPath (CustomSdist ident name version) =
[ "custom-tarball"
, toPathPiece ident
, toPathPiece name
, toPathPiece version ++ ".tar.gz"
toPath (SnapshotBundle ident) =
[ "bundle"
, toPathPiece ident ++ ".tar.gz"
toPath (HaddockBundle ident) =
[ "haddock"
, toPathPiece ident ++ ".tar.xz"
toPath (HoogleDB ident ver) =
[ "hoogle"
, toPathPiece ver
, toPathPiece ident ++ ".hoo.gz"
instance BackupToS3 StoreKey where
shouldBackup HackageCabal{} = False
shouldBackup HackageSdist{} = False
shouldBackup CabalIndex{} = True
shouldBackup CustomSdist{} = True
shouldBackup SnapshotBundle{} = True
shouldBackup HaddockBundle{} = True
shouldBackup HoogleDB{} = True
newtype HackageRoot = HackageRoot { unHackageRoot :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup)
class HasHackageRoot a where
getHackageRoot :: a -> HackageRoot
instance HasHackageRoot HackageRoot where
getHackageRoot = id
data UnpackStatus = USReady
| USBusy
| USFailed !Text