Michael Snoyman 768eaec573 Remove all social features
Motivation: these were the last things requiring a database. Once this
is gone, it simplifies deployment dramatically. I'm also not sure that
the social features were really worth keeping.
2015-09-25 17:43:50 +03:00

155 lines
5.4 KiB

module Types where
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Hashable (hashUsing)
import Text.Blaze (ToMarkup)
import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistFieldSql (sqlType))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import qualified Data.Text.Read as Reader
newtype LtsMajor = LtsMajor Int
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
instance PathPiece LtsMajor where
toPathPiece (LtsMajor x) = "lts-" ++ tshow x
fromPathPiece t0 = do
t1 <- stripPrefix "lts-" t0
Right (x, "") <- Just $ Reader.decimal t1
Just $ LtsMajor x
newtype PackageName = PackageName { unPackageName :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup, PersistField, IsString)
instance PersistFieldSql PackageName where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unPackageName
newtype Version = Version { unVersion :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup, PersistField)
instance PersistFieldSql Version where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unVersion
newtype PackageSetIdent = PackageSetIdent { unPackageSetIdent :: Text }
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable, PathPiece, ToMarkup, PersistField)
instance PersistFieldSql PackageSetIdent where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM unPackageSetIdent
data PackageNameVersion = PNVTarball !PackageName !Version
| PNVNameVersion !PackageName !Version
| PNVName !PackageName
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Eq, Ord)
instance PathPiece PackageNameVersion where
toPathPiece (PNVTarball x y) = concat [toPathPiece x, "-", toPathPiece y, ".tar.gz"]
toPathPiece (PNVNameVersion x y) = concat [toPathPiece x, "-", toPathPiece y]
toPathPiece (PNVName x) = toPathPiece x
fromPathPiece t' | Just t <- stripSuffix ".tar.gz" t' =
case T.breakOnEnd "-" t of
("", _) -> Nothing
(_, "") -> Nothing
(T.init -> name, version) -> Just $ PNVTarball (PackageName name) (Version version)
fromPathPiece t = Just $
case T.breakOnEnd "-" t of
("", _) -> PNVName (PackageName t)
(T.init -> name, version) | validVersion version ->
PNVNameVersion (PackageName name) (Version version)
_ -> PNVName (PackageName t)
validVersion =
all f
f c = (c == '.') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
newtype HoogleVersion = HoogleVersion Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, PathPiece)
currentHoogleVersion :: HoogleVersion
currentHoogleVersion = HoogleVersion VERSION_hoogle
data UnpackStatus = USReady
| USBusy
| USFailed !Text
data StackageExecutable
= StackageWindowsExecutable
| StackageUnixExecutable
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance PathPiece StackageExecutable where
-- TODO: distribute stackage, not just stackage-setup
toPathPiece StackageWindowsExecutable = "stackage-setup.exe"
toPathPiece StackageUnixExecutable = "stackage-setup"
fromPathPiece "stackage-setup" = Just StackageUnixExecutable
fromPathPiece "stackage-setup.exe" = Just StackageWindowsExecutable
fromPathPiece _ = Nothing
data GhcMajorVersion = GhcMajorVersion !Int !Int
deriving (Eq)
data GhcMajorVersionFailedParse = GhcMajorVersionFailedParse Text
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception GhcMajorVersionFailedParse
ghcMajorVersionToText :: GhcMajorVersion -> Text
ghcMajorVersionToText (GhcMajorVersion a b)
= LText.toStrict
$ Builder.toLazyText
$ Builder.decimal a <> "." <> Builder.decimal b
ghcMajorVersionFromText :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m GhcMajorVersion
ghcMajorVersionFromText t = case Reader.decimal t of
Right (a, T.uncons -> Just ('.', t')) -> case Reader.decimal t' of
Right (b, t'') | T.null t'' -> return $ GhcMajorVersion a b
_ -> failedParse
_ -> failedParse
failedParse = throwM $ GhcMajorVersionFailedParse t
instance PersistFieldSql GhcMajorVersion where
sqlType = sqlType . liftM ghcMajorVersionToText
instance PersistField GhcMajorVersion where
toPersistValue = toPersistValue . ghcMajorVersionToText
fromPersistValue v = do
t <- fromPersistValueText v
case ghcMajorVersionFromText t of
Just ver -> return ver
Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot convert to GhcMajorVersion: " <> t
instance Hashable GhcMajorVersion where
hashWithSalt = hashUsing ghcMajorVersionToText
instance FromJSON GhcMajorVersion where
parseJSON = withText "GhcMajorVersion" $
either (fail . show) return . ghcMajorVersionFromText
instance ToJSON GhcMajorVersion where
toJSON = toJSON . ghcMajorVersionToText
data SupportedArch
= Win32
| Win64
| Linux32
| Linux64
| Mac32
| Mac64
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Eq)
instance Hashable SupportedArch where
hashWithSalt = hashUsing fromEnum
instance PathPiece SupportedArch where
toPathPiece Win32 = "win32"
toPathPiece Win64 = "win64"
toPathPiece Linux32 = "linux32"
toPathPiece Linux64 = "linux64"
toPathPiece Mac32 = "mac32"
toPathPiece Mac64 = "mac64"
fromPathPiece "win32" = Just Win32
fromPathPiece "win64" = Just Win64
fromPathPiece "linux32" = Just Linux32
fromPathPiece "linux64" = Just Linux64
fromPathPiece "mac32" = Just Mac32
fromPathPiece "mac64" = Just Mac64
fromPathPiece _ = Nothing