Do not use deprecated FilePath related functions

This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Zudov 2015-10-06 04:40:37 +03:00
parent 2f96607735
commit 0f74359d79
4 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ supportedArches = [minBound .. maxBound]
readGhcLinks :: FilePath -> IO GhcLinks
readGhcLinks dir = do
let ghcMajorVersionsPath = dir </> "supported-ghc-major-versions.yaml"
Yaml.decodeFile (fpToString ghcMajorVersionsPath) >>= \case
Yaml.decodeFile ghcMajorVersionsPath >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ GhcLinks HashMap.empty
Just (ghcMajorVersions :: [GhcMajorVersion]) -> do
let opts =
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ readGhcLinks dir = do
let verText = ghcMajorVersionToText ver
fileName = "ghc-" <> verText <> "-links.yaml"
path = dir
</> fpFromText (toPathPiece arch)
</> fpFromText fileName
</> unpack (toPathPiece arch)
</> unpack fileName
whenM (liftIO $ isFile (fromString path)) $ do
text <- liftIO $ readTextFile (fromString path)
modify (HashMap.insert (arch, ver) text)

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@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ getBuildVersionR :: Handler Text
getBuildVersionR = return $ pack $(do
let headFile = ".git/HEAD"
qAddDependentFile headFile
ehead <- qRunIO $ tryIO $ readFile $ fpFromString headFile
ehead <- qRunIO $ tryIO $ readFile $ headFile
case decodeUtf8 <$> ehead of
Left e -> lift $ ".git/HEAD not read: " ++ show e
Right raw ->
case takeWhile (/= '\n') <$> stripPrefix "ref: " raw of
Nothing -> lift $ ".git/HEAD not in expected format: " ++ show raw
Just fp' -> do
let fp = ".git" </> fpFromText fp'
qAddDependentFile $ fpToString fp
let fp = ".git" </> unpack (fp' :: Text)
qAddDependentFile fp
bs <- qRunIO $ readFile fp
isDirty <- qRunIO
$ (/= ExitSuccess)

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ getHoogleR name = do
offset = (page - 1) * perPage
mdatabasePath <- getHoogleDB name
heDatabase <- case mdatabasePath of
Just x -> return $ liftIO $ Hoogle.loadDatabase $ fpToString x
Just x -> return $ liftIO $ Hoogle.loadDatabase x
Nothing -> hoogleDatabaseNotAvailableFor name
mresults <- case mquery of
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ getHoogleDatabaseR name = do
mdatabasePath <- getHoogleDB name
case mdatabasePath of
Nothing -> hoogleDatabaseNotAvailableFor name
Just path -> sendFile "application/octet-stream" $ fpToString path
Just path -> sendFile "application/octet-stream" path
hoogleDatabaseNotAvailableFor :: SnapName -> Handler a
hoogleDatabaseNotAvailableFor name = (>>= sendResponse) $ defaultLayout $ do

View file

@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ loadFromS3 man = do
writeTVar currSuffixVar $! x + 1
return x
let fp = root </> fpFromText ("database-download-" ++ tshow suffix)
putStrLn $ "Downloading database to " ++ fpToText fp
let fp = root </> unpack ("database-download-" ++ tshow suffix)
putStrLn $ "Downloading database to " ++ pack fp
withResponse req man $ \res ->
$ bodyReaderSource (responseBody res)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ stackageServerCron = do
env <- getEnv NorthVirginia Discover
let upload :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
upload fp key = do
let fpgz = fpToString $ fp <.> "gz"
let fpgz = fp <.> "gz"
runResourceT $ sourceFile fp
$$ compress 9 (WindowBits 31)
=$ CB.sinkFile fpgz
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ stackageServerCron = do
forM_ mfp' $ \fp -> do
let key = hoogleKey name
upload fp key
let dest = fpFromText key
let dest = unpack key
createTree $ parent (fromString dest)
rename (fromString fp) (fromString dest)
@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ createHoogleDB db man name = handleAny (\e -> print e $> Nothing) $ do
createTree (fromString bindir)
dbs <- runResourceT
$ sourceTarFile False (fpToString tarFP)
$ sourceTarFile False tarFP
$$ evalStateC 1 (mapMC (singleDB db name bindir))
=$ sinkList
putStrLn "Merging databases..."
Hoogle.mergeDatabase (map fpToString $ catMaybes dbs) (fpToString outname)
Hoogle.mergeDatabase (catMaybes dbs) outname
putStrLn "Merge done"
return $ Just outname
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ createHoogleDB db man name = handleAny (\e -> print e $> Nothing) $ do
tarKey = toPathPiece name ++ "/hoogle/orig.tar"
tarUrl = "" ++ tarKey
tarFP = root </> fpFromText tarKey
tarFP = root </> unpack tarKey
singleDB :: StackageDatabase
-> SnapName
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ singleDB db sname bindir e@(Tar.entryContent -> Tar.NormalFile lbs _) = do
Just (Entity _ sp) -> do
let ver = snapshotPackageVersion sp
pkgver = concat [pkg, "-", ver]
out = bindir </> fpFromString (show idx) <.> "hoo"
out = bindir </> show idx <.> "hoo"
src' = unlines
$ haddockHacks (Just $ unpack docsUrl)
$ lines
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ singleDB db sname bindir e@(Tar.entryContent -> Tar.NormalFile lbs _) = do
, "/index.html"
_errs <- liftIO $ Hoogle.createDatabase "" Hoogle.Haskell [] src' $ fpToString out
_errs <- liftIO $ Hoogle.createDatabase "" Hoogle.Haskell [] src' out
return $ Just out
singleDB _ _ _ _ = return Nothing