Have upgrade only use CLI and global conf #1392

This commit is contained in:
Michael Sloan 2016-05-15 02:51:03 -07:00
parent 28cb85a7a8
commit fee99c76c5
4 changed files with 45 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -243,8 +243,6 @@ configFromConfigMonoid configStackRoot configUserConfigPath mresolver mproject c
configRequireStackVersion = simplifyVersionRange (getIntersectingVersionRange configMonoidRequireStackVersion)
configConfigMonoid = configMonoid
configImage = Image.imgOptsFromMonoid configMonoidImageOpts
configCompilerCheck = fromFirst MatchMinor configMonoidCompilerCheck

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@ -286,8 +286,6 @@ data Config =
-- ^ --extra-include-dirs arguments
,configExtraLibDirs :: !(Set Text)
-- ^ --extra-lib-dirs arguments
,configConfigMonoid :: !ConfigMonoid
-- ^ @ConfigMonoid@ used to generate this
,configConcurrentTests :: !Bool
-- ^ Run test suites concurrently
,configImage :: !ImageOpts

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@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, asks)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Monoid.Extra
import qualified Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Lens.Micro (set)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit (HasHttpManager)
@ -33,11 +32,12 @@ import System.Process (readProcess)
import System.Process.Run
upgrade :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader env m, HasConfig env, HasHttpManager env, MonadLogger m, HasTerminal env, HasReExec env, HasLogLevel env, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> Maybe String -- ^ git repository to use
=> ConfigMonoid
-> Maybe String -- ^ git repository to use
-> Maybe AbstractResolver
-> Maybe String -- ^ git hash at time of building, if known
-> m ()
upgrade gitRepo mresolver builtHash =
upgrade gConfigMonoid gitRepo mresolver builtHash =
withSystemTempDir "stack-upgrade" $ \tmp -> do
menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride
mdir <- case gitRepo of
@ -89,19 +89,15 @@ upgrade gitRepo mresolver builtHash =
Nothing -> error "Stack.Upgrade.upgrade: invariant violated, unpacked directory not found"
Just path -> return $ Just path
config <- asks getConfig
forM_ mdir $ \dir -> do
bconfig <- runInnerStackLoggingT $ do
lc <- loadConfig
(configConfigMonoid config <> Data.Monoid.mempty
{ configMonoidInstallGHC = First (Just True)
(Just $ dir </> $(mkRelFile "stack.yaml"))
lcLoadBuildConfig lc Nothing
lc <- loadConfig
(Just $ dir </> $(mkRelFile "stack.yaml"))
bconfig <- lcLoadBuildConfig lc Nothing
envConfig1 <- runInnerStackT bconfig $ setupEnv $ Just $
"Try rerunning with --install-ghc to install the correct GHC into " <>
T.pack (toFilePath (configLocalPrograms config))
T.pack (toFilePath (configLocalPrograms (getConfig bconfig)))
runInnerStackT (set (envConfigBuildOpts.buildOptsInstallExes) True envConfig1) $
build (const $ return ()) Nothing defaultBuildOptsCLI
{ boptsCLITargets = ["stack"]

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@ -827,31 +827,48 @@ withUserFileLock go@GlobalOpts{} dir act = do
act $ Just lk))
else act Nothing
withConfigAndLock :: GlobalOpts
-> StackT Config IO ()
-> IO ()
:: GlobalOpts
-> StackT Config IO ()
-> IO ()
withConfigAndLock go@GlobalOpts{..} inner = do
(manager, lc) <- loadConfigWithOpts go
withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \lk ->
runStackTGlobal manager (lcConfig lc) go $
Docker.reexecWithOptionalContainer (lcProjectRoot lc)
(runStackTGlobal manager (lcConfig lc) go inner)
(Just $ munlockFile lk)
runStackTGlobal manager (lcConfig lc) go $
(lcProjectRoot lc)
(runStackTGlobal manager (lcConfig lc) go inner)
(Just $ munlockFile lk)
-- | Loads global config, ignoring any configuration which would be
-- loaded due to $PWD.
:: GlobalOpts
-> StackT Config IO ()
-> IO ()
withGlobalConfigAndLock go@GlobalOpts{..} inner = do
manager <- newTLSManager
lc <- runStackLoggingTGlobal manager go $
loadConfigMaybeProject globalConfigMonoid Nothing Nothing
withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \_lk ->
runStackTGlobal manager (lcConfig lc) go inner
-- For now the non-locking version just unlocks immediately.
-- That is, there's still a serialization point.
withBuildConfig :: GlobalOpts
-> StackT EnvConfig IO ()
-> IO ()
:: GlobalOpts
-> StackT EnvConfig IO ()
-> IO ()
withBuildConfig go inner =
withBuildConfigAndLock go (\lk -> do munlockFile lk
withBuildConfigAndLock :: GlobalOpts
-> (Maybe FileLock -> StackT EnvConfig IO ())
-> IO ()
:: GlobalOpts
-> (Maybe FileLock -> StackT EnvConfig IO ())
-> IO ()
withBuildConfigAndLock go inner =
withBuildConfigExt go Nothing inner Nothing
@ -956,8 +973,9 @@ updateCmd () go = withConfigAndLock go $
getMinimalEnvOverride >>= Stack.PackageIndex.updateAllIndices
upgradeCmd :: (Bool, String) -> GlobalOpts -> IO ()
upgradeCmd (fromGit, repo) go = withConfigAndLock go $
upgrade (if fromGit then Just repo else Nothing)
upgradeCmd (fromGit, repo) go = withGlobalConfigAndLock go $ do
upgrade (globalConfigMonoid go)
(if fromGit then Just repo else Nothing)
(globalResolver go)
(find (/= "UNKNOWN") [$gitHash])