Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 49ea931ec3
big update
2020-08-22 09:35:46 +02:00

473 lines
17 KiB

;;; helm-make.el --- Select a Makefile target with helm
;; Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Oleh Krehel
;; Author: Oleh Krehel <>
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 20200620.27
;; Package-Commit: ebd71e85046d59b37f6a96535e01993b6962c559
;; Version: 0.2.0
;; Keywords: makefile
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; A call to `helm-make' will give you a `helm' selection of this directory
;; Makefile's targets. Selecting a target will call `compile' on it.
;;; Code:
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'helm-source nil t))
(declare-function helm "ext:helm")
(declare-function helm-marked-candidates "ext:helm")
(declare-function helm-build-sync-source "ext:helm")
(declare-function ivy-read "ext:ivy")
(declare-function projectile-project-root "ext:projectile")
(defgroup helm-make nil
"Select a Makefile target with helm."
:group 'convenience)
(defcustom helm-make-do-save nil
"If t, save all open buffers visiting files from Makefile's directory."
:type 'boolean
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-build-dir ""
"Specify a build directory for an out of source build.
The path should be relative to the project root.
When non-nil `helm-make-projectile' will first look in that directory for a
:type '(string)
:group 'helm-make)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'helm-make-build-dir)
(defcustom helm-make-sort-targets nil
"Whether targets shall be sorted.
If t, targets will be sorted as a final step before calling the
completion method.
HINT: If you are facing performance problems set this to nil.
This might be the case, if there are thousand of targets."
:type 'boolean
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-cache-targets nil
"Whether to cache the targets or not.
If t, cache targets of Makefile. If `helm-make' or `helm-make-projectile'
gets called for the same Makefile again, and the Makefile hasn't changed
meanwhile, i.e. the modification time is `equal' to the cached one, reuse
the cached targets, instead of recomputing them. If nil do nothing.
You can reset the cache by calling `helm-make-reset-db'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-executable "make"
"Store the name of make executable."
:type 'string
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-ninja-executable "ninja"
"Store the name of ninja executable."
:type 'string
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-niceness 0
"When non-zero, run make jobs at this niceness level."
:type 'integer
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-arguments "-j%d"
"Pass these arguments to `helm-make-executable' or
`helm-make-ninja-executable'. If `%d' is included, it will be substituted
with the universal argument."
:type 'string
:group 'helm-make)
(defcustom helm-make-require-match t
"When non-nil, don't allow selecting a target that's not on the list."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-make-named-buffer nil
"When non-nil, name compilation buffer based on make target."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-make-comint nil
"When non-nil, run helm-make in Comint mode instead of Compilation mode."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-make-fuzzy-matching nil
"When non-nil, enable fuzzy matching in helm make target(s) buffer."
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom helm-make-completion-method 'helm
"Method to select a candidate from a list of strings."
:type '(choice
(const :tag "Helm" helm)
(const :tag "Ido" ido)
(const :tag "Ivy" ivy)))
(defcustom helm-make-nproc 1
"Use that many processing units to compile the project.
If `0', automatically retrieve available number of processing units
using `helm--make-get-nproc'.
Regardless of the value of this variable, it can be bypassed by
passing an universal prefix to `helm-make' or `helm-make-projectile'."
:type 'integer)
(defvar helm-make-command nil
"Store the make command.")
(defvar helm-make-target-history nil
"Holds the recently used targets.")
(defvar helm-make-makefile-names '("Makefile" "makefile" "GNUmakefile")
"List of Makefile names which make recognizes.
An exception is \"GNUmakefile\", only GNU make understands it.")
(defvar helm-make-ninja-filename ""
"Ninja build filename which ninja recognizes.")
(defun helm--make-get-nproc ()
"Retrieve available number of processing units on this machine.
If it fails to do so, `1' will be returned.
((member system-type '(gnu gnu/linux gnu/kfreebsd cygwin))
(if (executable-find "nproc")
(string-to-number (string-trim (shell-command-to-string "nproc")))
(warn "Can not retrieve available number of processing units, \"nproc\" not found")
;; What about the other systems '(darwin windows-nt aix berkeley-unix hpux usg-unix-v)?
(warn "Retrieving available number of processing units not implemented for system-type %s" system-type)
(defvar helm-make--last-item nil)
(defun helm--make-action (target)
"Make TARGET."
(setq helm-make--last-item target)
(let* ((targets (and (eq helm-make-completion-method 'helm)
(or (> (length (helm-marked-candidates)) 1)
;; Give single marked candidate precedence over current selection.
(unless (equal (car (helm-marked-candidates)) target)
(setq target (car (helm-marked-candidates))) nil))
(mapconcat 'identity (helm-marked-candidates) " ")))
(make-command (format helm-make-command (or targets target)))
(compile-buffer (compile make-command helm-make-comint)))
(when helm-make-named-buffer
(helm--make-rename-buffer compile-buffer (or targets target)))))
(defun helm--make-rename-buffer (buffer target)
"Rename the compilation BUFFER based on the make TARGET."
(let ((buffer-name (format "*compilation in %s (%s)*"
(abbreviate-file-name default-directory)
(when (get-buffer buffer-name)
(kill-buffer buffer-name))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(rename-buffer buffer-name))))
(defvar helm--make-build-system nil
"Will be 'ninja if the file name is `',
and if the file exists 'make otherwise.")
(defun helm--make-construct-command (arg file)
"Construct the `helm-make-command'.
ARG should be universal prefix value passed to `helm-make' or
`helm-make-projectile', and file is the path to the Makefile or the file."
(format (concat "%s%s -C %s " helm-make-arguments " %%s")
(if (= helm-make-niceness 0)
(format "nice -n %d " helm-make-niceness))
((equal helm--make-build-system 'ninja)
"^/\\(scp\\|ssh\\).+?:.+?:" ""
(shell-quote-argument (file-name-directory file)))
(let ((jobs (abs (if arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)
(if (= helm-make-nproc 0) (helm--make-get-nproc)
(if (> jobs 0) jobs 1))))
(defcustom helm-make-directory-functions-list
'(helm-make-current-directory helm-make-project-directory helm-make-dominating-directory)
"Functions that return Makefile's directory, sorted by priority."
(const :tag "Default directory" helm-make-current-directory)
(const :tag "Project directory" helm-make-project-directory)
(const :tag "Dominating directory with makefile" helm-make-dominating-directory)
(function :tag "Custom function"))))
(defun helm-make (&optional arg)
"Call \"make -j ARG target\". Target is selected with completion."
(interactive "P")
(let ((makefile nil))
(lambda (fn) (setq makefile (helm--make-makefile-exists (funcall fn))))
(if (not makefile)
(error "No build file in %s" default-directory)
(setq helm-make-command (helm--make-construct-command arg makefile))
(helm--make makefile))))
(defconst helm--make-ninja-target-regexp "^\\(.+\\): "
"Regexp to identify targets in the output of \"ninja -t targets\".")
(defun helm--make-target-list-ninja (makefile)
"Return the target list for MAKEFILE by parsing the output of \"ninja -t targets\"."
(let ((default-directory (file-name-directory (expand-file-name makefile)))
(ninja-exe helm-make-ninja-executable) ; take a copy in case buffer-local
(call-process ninja-exe nil t t "-f" (file-name-nondirectory makefile)
"-t" "targets" "all")
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward helm--make-ninja-target-regexp nil t)
(push (match-string 1) targets))
(defun helm--make-target-list-qp (makefile)
"Return the target list for MAKEFILE by parsing the output of \"make -nqp\"."
(let ((default-directory (file-name-directory
(expand-file-name makefile)))
targets target)
(format "make -f %s -nqp __BASH_MAKE_COMPLETION__=1 .DEFAULT 2>/dev/null"
(goto-char (point-min))
(unless (re-search-forward "^# Files" nil t)
(error "Unexpected \"make -nqp\" output"))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\([^%$:#\n\t ]+\\):\\([^=]\\|$\\)" nil t)
(setq target (match-string 1))
(unless (or (save-excursion
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(forward-line -1)
(looking-at "^# Not a target:"))
(string-match "^\\([/a-zA-Z0-9_. -]+/\\)?\\." target))
(push target targets))))
(defun helm--make-target-list-default (makefile)
"Return the target list for MAKEFILE by parsing it."
(let (targets)
(insert-file-contents makefile)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\([^: \n]+\\) *:\\(?: \\|$\\)" nil t)
(let ((str (match-string 1)))
(unless (string-match "^\\." str)
(push str targets)))))
(nreverse targets)))
(defcustom helm-make-list-target-method 'default
"Method of obtaining the list of Makefile targets.
For ninja build files there exists only one method of obtaining the list of
targets, and hence no `defcustom'."
:type '(choice
(const :tag "Default" default)
(const :tag "make -qp" qp)))
(defun helm--make-makefile-exists (base-dir &optional dir-list)
"Check if one of `helm-make-makefile-names' and `helm-make-ninja-filename'
exist in BASE-DIR.
Returns the absolute filename to the Makefile, if one exists,
otherwise nil.
If DIR-LIST is non-nil, also search for `helm-make-makefile-names' and
(let* ((default-directory (file-truename base-dir))
(unless (and dir-list (listp dir-list))
(setq dir-list (list "")))
(let (result)
(dolist (dir dir-list)
(dolist (makefile `(,@helm-make-makefile-names ,helm-make-ninja-filename))
(push (expand-file-name makefile dir) result)))
(reverse result))))
(makefile (cl-find-if 'file-exists-p makefiles)))
(when makefile
((string-match "build\.ninja$" makefile)
(setq helm--make-build-system 'ninja))
(setq helm--make-build-system 'make))))
(defvar helm-make-db (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"An alist of Makefile and corresponding targets.")
(cl-defstruct helm-make-dbfile
(defun helm--make-cached-targets (makefile)
"Return cached targets of MAKEFILE.
If there are no cached targets for MAKEFILE, the MAKEFILE modification
time has changed, or `helm-make-cache-targets' is nil, parse the MAKEFILE,
and cache targets of MAKEFILE, if `helm-make-cache-targets' is t."
(let* ((att (file-attributes makefile 'integer))
(modtime (if att (nth 5 att) nil))
(entry (gethash makefile helm-make-db nil))
(new-entry (make-helm-make-dbfile))
(targets (cond
((and helm-make-cache-targets
(equal modtime (helm-make-dbfile-modtime entry))
(helm-make-dbfile-targets entry))
(helm-make-dbfile-targets entry))
((equal helm--make-build-system 'ninja)
(helm--make-target-list-ninja makefile))
((equal helm-make-list-target-method 'qp)
(helm--make-target-list-qp makefile))
(helm--make-target-list-default makefile))))))))
(when helm-make-sort-targets
(unless (and helm-make-cache-targets
(helm-make-dbfile-sorted entry))
(setq targets (sort targets 'string<)))
(setf (helm-make-dbfile-sorted new-entry) t))
(when helm-make-cache-targets
(setf (helm-make-dbfile-targets new-entry) targets
(helm-make-dbfile-modtime new-entry) modtime)
(puthash makefile new-entry helm-make-db))
(defun helm-make-reset-cache ()
"Reset cache, see `helm-make-cache-targets'."
(clrhash helm-make-db))
(defun helm--make (makefile)
"Call make for MAKEFILE."
(when helm-make-do-save
(let* ((regex (format "^%s" default-directory))
(lambda (b)
(let ((name (buffer-file-name b)))
(and name
(string-match regex (expand-file-name name)))))
(lambda (b)
(with-current-buffer b
(let ((targets (helm--make-cached-targets makefile))
(default-directory (file-name-directory makefile)))
(delete-dups helm-make-target-history)
(cl-case helm-make-completion-method
(require 'helm)
(helm :sources (helm-build-sync-source "Targets"
:header-name (lambda (name) (format "%s (%s):" name makefile))
:candidates 'targets
:fuzzy-match helm-make-fuzzy-matching
:action 'helm--make-action)
:history 'helm-make-target-history
:preselect helm-make--last-item))
(unless (window-minibuffer-p)
(ivy-read "Target: "
:history 'helm-make-target-history
:preselect (car helm-make-target-history)
:action 'helm--make-action
:require-match helm-make-require-match)))
(let ((target (ido-completing-read
"Target: " targets
nil nil nil
(when target
(helm--make-action target)))))))
(defun helm-make-projectile (&optional arg)
"Call `helm-make' for `projectile-project-root'.
ARG specifies the number of cores.
By default `helm-make-projectile' will look in `projectile-project-root'
followed by `projectile-project-root'/build, for a makefile.
You can specify an additional directory to search for a makefile by
setting the buffer local variable `helm-make-build-dir'."
(interactive "P")
(require 'projectile)
(let ((makefile (helm--make-makefile-exists
(if (and (stringp helm-make-build-dir)
(not (string-match-p "\\`[ \t\n\r]*\\'" helm-make-build-dir)))
`(,helm-make-build-dir "" "build")
`(,@helm-make-build-dir "" "build")))))
(if (not makefile)
(error "No build file found for project %s" (projectile-project-root))
(setq helm-make-command (helm--make-construct-command arg makefile))
(helm--make makefile))))
(defvar project-roots)
(defun helm-make-project-directory ()
"Return the current project root directory if found."
(if (and (fboundp 'project-current) (project-current))
(car (project-roots (project-current)))
(defun helm-make-current-directory()
"Return the current directory."
(defun helm-make-dominating-directory ()
"Return the dominating directory that contains a Makefile if found"
(locate-dominating-file default-directory 'helm--make-makefile-exists))
(provide 'helm-make)
;;; helm-make.el ends here