27 lines
843 B
Executable file

echo_exit() {
echo "$*"
exit 1
# Copy resources needed in the image build phase
cp ../template/index.mustache ../data/*.* ../www/
# Build image
cd ../www || echo_exit "Could not switch to www dir"
docker image build -t lucj/ . || echo_exit "Could not use docker"
# Run website
ID="$(docker run -d -p 80 lucj/"
# Copy generated index.html and past.html locally
docker cp "$ID":/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html . || echo_exit "docker cp failed"
docker cp "$ID":/usr/share/nginx/html/past.html . || echo_exit "docker cp failed"
# Remove files used for image build
rm index.mustache events.json clean_events.js package.json
# Get port
PORT="$(docker inspect --format '{{ (index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "80/tcp") 0).HostPort }}' "$ID")"
echo "=> web site available on http://localhost:$PORT"