## Purpose Setup a simple web site, with an easy to remember URL: [http://sophia.events](http://sophia.events), and acting as a hub which lists the incoming technical events in Sophia-Antipolis. ## The rational A lot of great stuff is happening in Sophia: - meetups - [Docker](meetup.com/fr-FR/Docker-Nice) - [Hashicorp User Group](https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Sophia-Antipolis-HashiCorp-User-Group) - [CNCF](https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/CNCF-Cloud-Native-Computing-Sophia-Antipolis/) - events from [TelecomValley](https://telecomvalley.fr) - events from [RivieraJug](http://rivierajug.org) - ... ... but it's not always easy to follow all the sources. Some people ask about a place that lists them all... here is a simple attempt that tries to answer this need. ## How to run it ### Clone de repository ``` $ git clone https://github.com/lucj/sophia.events.git ``` ### Run the wrapper scrip ``` $ cd www && ./test.sh ``` A web server is run locally, the timeline is available on port 8000 ## Status *TODO* - [ ] make a clean and appealing header - [x] display event logo in the corner opposite to the date - [x] define events.json file describing all the events - [x] use simple Mustache templating to build index.html - [ ] Add tab listing past events - [x] modify css to have more items on the same page - [ ] Expose RSS feed - [ ] Add TLS - [ ] create a backend to automatically fetch events form list of sources - [ ] have fun on this side project :) ## Credit The first version is based on the vertical [timeline](http://codepen.io/savalazic/pen/QKwERN) created by Sava Lazic