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<body><div class="reveal"><div class="slides"><section><h1>Haskell in Enterprise</h1>
<p>Michael Snoyman, Director of Engineering, FP Complete</p>
<p><small>Tel Aviv Haskellers meetup, August 30, 2015</small>
<section><h1>Who am I?</h1>
<ul><li>Open source project maintainer (Yesod, WAI, conduit, Stackage)</li>
<li>Run internal engineering at FP Complete</li>
<li>Lead many of FP Complete's consulting engagements</li>
<li>Spend lots of time talking to commercial users of Haskell</li>
<p>I spend my days talking to both engineers and managers. Prepare to hear some of that today.</p>
<section><section><h1>Why use Haskell?</h1>
<section><h1>Why use Haskell?</h1>
<p>Short, expressive code leads to programmer efficiency</p>
<ul><li>Engineers: it's more fun to read and write!</li>
<li>Managers: quicker time to market</li>
<li>Compare with: Ruby, Python</li>
<section><h1>Why use Haskell?</h1>
<p>Expressing invariants at the type level means less runtime bugs</p>
<ul><li>Engineers: less debugging-production-system nightmares</li>
<li>Managers: easier support tail for sold software</li>
<li>Compare with: Ada</li>
<section><h1>Why use Haskell?</h1>
<p>Compiled, optimized code is fast, especially given high level structures</p>
<ul><li>Everyone: faster == better</li>
<li>Compare with: Java (about same performance)</li>
<p>Note: Haskell, Java, and others offer many opportunities to go even lower level to get higher performance. In general, I'll talk about production-quality, high level Haskell code</p>
<section><h1>Who uses Haskell?</h1>
<ul><li><b>Finance</b> performance and reliability very important!</li>
<li><b>Science/pharma</b> reliability vital (literally)</li>
<li><b>Defense</b> performance and reliability</li>
<li><b>Startups</b> time-to-market and recruiting edge</li>
<li><b>Enterprise solutions</b> outpace the competition</li>
<li><b>Solutions providers</b> do more with less hardware, less downtime</li>
<ul><li>Mature, well designed language</li>
<li>Well rounded library ecosystem (web, parsing, streaming data, mathematical, much more)</li>
<li>Powerful concurrency/parallelism stor</li>
<li>Refactor with impunity (use the types, Luke!)</li>
<li>Team collaboration is much easier too</li>
<li>Amazing Javascript backend</li>
<ul><li>Doesn't integrate well with existing JVM and .NET deployments</li>
<li>GUIs can be a bit of a pain (situation is improving, and web UIs are a good option)</li>
<li>Compiling to mobile devices still a bit involved</li>
<section><h1>Dispelling Myths</h1>
<ul><li><b>Category theory not required</b> Haskell has a strong theoretical foundation, but you don't need to understand that to use it
<blockquote>Haskell is the world's finest imperative programming language</blockquote>
<li><b>Build tools are difficult</b> FP Complete and other Commercial Haskell members have put a lot of work into fixing this in the past few years: Stackage, LTS Haskell, stack</li>
<section><section><h1>Get started with Haskell</h1>
<h2>Just do it!</h2>
<ul><li>Choose a pilot/side project</li>
<li>Download <a href="">stack</a></li>
<li>Start a project with <code>stack new</code></li>
<li>Start hacking!</li>
<section><h1>Learning Resources</h1>
<ul><li><a href="">School of Haskell</a>
<li><a href="">StackOverflow Haskell tag</a>
<li>Mailing lists:<ul><li><a href="">Haskell Cafe</a>
<li><a href="">Haskell Beginners</a>
<li><a href="">Haskell Stack mailinng list</a>
(tooling issues)</li>
<li>Books<ul><li><a href="">Real World Haskell</a></li>
<li><a href="">Learn You a Haskell</a></li>
<li><a href="">Developing Web Apps with Haskell and Yesod</a></li>
<li><a href="">Future Haskell book... stay tuned</a></li>
<section><h1>Convincing others</h1>
<ul><li><a href="">Case Studies on</a></li>
<li><a href="">Haskell in Devops</a> (from Commercial Haskell <abbr title="Special Interest Group">SIG</abbr>)</li>
<li><a href="">Commercial Haskell mailing list</a> ask for advice!</li>
<li>Call me: FP Complete specializes in helping companies succeed with Haskell</li>
<p>Thanks for listening to me blab about Haskell :)</p>
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