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<body><div class="reveal"><div class="slides"><section><h1>Haskell for fast, concurrent, robust services</h1>
<p>Michael Snoyman, Director of Engineering, FP Complete</p>
<p><small>Twitter tech talk, November 10, 2015</small>
<section><h1>What is Haskell?</h1>
<ul><li>Strongly and statically typed</li>
<li>Purely functional/explicit side effects</li>
<li>Immutable by default</li>
<li>Compiles to native code</li>
<li>Multithreaded runtime</li>
<li>Playground for interesting optimizations (rewrite rules)</li>
<section><h1>What we'll cover today</h1>
<p>What makes Haskell great for writing network services?</p>
<ul><li>Efficient single-core performance</li>
<li>Powerful concurrency story</li>
<li>Great abstractions</li>
<li>Tools for writing robust code</li>
<li>Some miscellaneous goodness</li>
<li>How to get started</li>
<section><section><h1>Single Core Performance</h1>
<section><h1>Tuned for immutable data</h1>
<ul><li>Haskell encourages immutable data</li>
<li>Garbage collector highly tuned for such workloads (generational, copying)</li>
<li>New data goes into a nursery</li>
<li>Temporary data gets garbage collected quickly</li>
<section><h1>Data Unpacking</h1>
<p>How much memory does it take to store the following? (Assume 64-bit)</p>
<pre><code>data Foo = Foo Int Int</code>
<p><code>Foo</code> constructor (8 bytes), 2 * (pointer to <code>Int</code> (8), <code>Int</code> constructor (8), raw <code>Int</code> (8)) == 56 bytes</p>
<pre><code>data Foo = Foo {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int</code>
<p><code>Foo</code> constructor (8), 2 * (raw <code>Int</code> (8)) == 24 bytes</p>
<p>Note: UNPACK pragmas aren't necessary for small data types, just strictness (<code>!</code>)</p>
<section><h1>Nested unpacked data</h1>
<p>Unpacking also works for larger values!</p>
<pre><code>data Foo = Foo !Int !Int
data Bar = Bar {-# UNPACK #-} !Foo !Int</code>
<ul><li>For now, only works for single-constructor data types</li>
<li>Do you want lazy or strict data?</li>
<li>In practice: strict data often a good choice</li>
<li>Side benefits: much harder to create a space leak</li>
<ul><li>Contiguous memory collections</li>
<li>Avoid cons-cell overhead</li>
<li>Think: <code>std::list</code> vs <code>std::vector</code></li>
<li>Both mutable and immutable variants</li>
<li>Implement mutable algorithms safely via <code>ST</code> monad</li>
<li>Boxed, unboxed, and storable (C-FFI compatible) representations</li>
<section><h1>Vectors (cont)</h1>
<ul><li>Simple API based on common list functions (<code>map</code>, <code>fold</code>, <code>filter</code>, etc)</li>
<li>Implements common Haskell abstractions like <code>Foldable</code> and <code>Traversable</code></li>
<li>Stream fusion (more on that in a moment)</li>
<li>New tutorial: <a style="word-break:break-all" href=""></a></li>
<section><h1>Stream fusion</h1>
<p>How much memory does the following code use?</p>
<pre><code>import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
main = print $ V.sum $ V.enumFromTo 1 (10^9 :: Int)</code>
<ul><li>Without optimizations: ~8GB</li>
<li>With optimizations: ~52KB</li>
<li>GHC optimizes this down to a tight inner loop without any actual vector</li>
<li>Is GHC itself actually that smart? No, not really...</li>
<section><h1>Rewrite rules</h1>
<ul><li>Tell GHC that certain expressions can be rewritten as something else</li>
<li><code>map f . map g = map (f . g)</code>
<li>Takes advantage of Haskell's purity</li>
<li>Provides library authors with ability to create new optimizations without hacking on the compiler</li>
<li>Typically promotes lots of inlining (downside: optimized executables tend to be large)</li>
<section><h1>Demonstration: efficient statistics calculation</h1>
<p><a href="">Stepping away from the slides for a moment</a>
<ul><li>Buffer-filling actions for creating byte arrays and text</li>
<li>Minimal buffer copying</li>
<li>Composable (via <code>Monoid</code>)</li>
<li>Easy to do the right thing</li>
<li>Highly tuned by real-world data and testing</li>
<li>Good trade-off between memory copying and extra syscalls (e.g., Warp HTTP server)</li>
<section><h1>Great example libraries</h1>
<ul><li><a href="">vector</a>
<li><a href="">unordered-containers</a>
<li><a href="">bytestring</a>
<li><a href="">text</a>
<li><a href="">conduit</a>
<li><a href="">pipes</a>
<section><h1>Green threads</h1>
<ul><li>Lightweight threads in the Haskell runtime</li>
<li>Mapped to actual system threads/cores by scheduler</li>
<li>Uses evented (per-OS) system calls to wake up threads</li>
<li>Result: code against blocking APIs, callback magic happens for you automatically!</li>
<section><h1>Low-level example</h1>
<pre><code>{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Streaming.Network
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
main :: IO ()
main = runTCPServer (serverSettingsTCP 4500 "*") $ \ad ->
forever $ do
bs <- appRead ad
print $ "Received: " ++ show bs
appWrite ad "Now I'm going to delay...\n"
threadDelay 1000000</code>
<ul><li>Shared mutable state is hard</li>
<li>Make it easy: data is immutable by default!</li>
<li>Mutable variables available as necessary</li>
<li>Explicitly decide what kind of mutable variables you want (<code>IORef</code>, <code>MVar</code>, <code>TVar</code>)</li>
<li>Focus your attention on the few mutable pieces of the system</li>
<section><h1>Explicit side effects</h1>
<ul><li>Function of type <code>Int -&gt; String</code> does not modify the world</li>
<li>Allows for some almost-free parallelism (e.g., <code>parMap</code>)</li>
<li>Also opens the door for Software Transactional Memory (STM)</li>
<li>Not to mention: makes your code easier to understand and maintain</li>
<section><h1>STM example</h1>
<pre><code>import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Async
main = do
alice <- newTVarIO 50
bob <- newTVarIO 50
runConcurrently $
Concurrently (transfer 60 alice bob) *>
Concurrently (transfer 30 bob alice) *>
Concurrently (transfer 40 bob alice)
transfer amt srcVar dstVar = atomically $ do
modifyTVar dstVar (+ amt) -- yes, even this position works!
srcOrig <- readTVar srcVar
let srcNew = srcOrig - amt
check (srcNew >= 0)
writeTVar srcVar srcNew</code>
<section><h1>The async package</h1>
<ul><li>Futures on steroids</li>
<li>Codifies many best practices</li>
<li>Handles cases you didn't even know you had to worry about (like exceptions)</li>
<li>Simple helper functions like <code>race</code> and <code>both</code></li>
<li>Applicative interface (via <code>Concurrency</code>)</li>
<section><h1>Network-based concurrency</h1>
<ul><li><a href="">Warp</a> web server library (fast, concurrent, HTTP2)</li>
<li>Many web frameworks based on Warp (Yesod, Servant, Scotty, Spock)</li>
<li><a href="">Data.Conduit.Network</a></li>
<li><a href="">pipes-network</a></li>
<li><a href="">connection</a> (easy TLS support)</li>
<section><h1>Mathematical type classes</h1>
<ul><li>Laws allow you to reason about code</li>
<li>Can also expose optimizations opportunities</li>
<li>Example:<ul><li>monoidal append is associative</li>
<li>builders prefer right-association</li>
<li>we know it's always safe to make that transformation</li>
<section><h1>Commonly used type classes</h1>
<li>But wait, there's more! <a href="">Typeclassopedia</a></li>
<section><h1>Streaming data</h1>
<ul><li>conduit and pipes libraries</li>
<li>Authors of each are in this room</li>
<li>Focus on your algorithm, not the low-level details of moving data around</li>
<li>Highly composable</li>
<section><h1>Conduit example</h1>
<pre><code>import Conduit
import qualified Data.Text as T
main :: IO ()
main = stdinC
$$ mapC T.toUpper
=$ filterCE (/= 'E')
=$ stdoutC</code>
<ul><li>Static/strong typing makes your code easier to refactor and maintain</li>
<li>Restricted side effects makes your code easier to test, and encourages a good coding style</li>
<li>Immutable data structures avoid common problems like race conditions and deadlocks</li>
<section><h1>Miscellaenous goodness</h1>
<ul><li>Parametric polymorphism</li>
<li>Avoid boilerplate! Generics, Scrap your Boilerplate, Template Haskell</li>
<li>Test with confidence: QuickCheck, tasty, hspec</li>
<section><section><h1>Getting started</h1>
<ul><li>Use <a href="">the Stack build tool</a></li>
<li>Handles projects, installs necessary tools (including GHC), easy to learn</li>
<li>Lots of learning resources<ul><li><a href="">Haskell Documentation project</a>
<li><a href="">School of Haskell</a>
<li><a href="">Gabriel's basic Haskell examples</a>
<li><a href="">Do Haskell (collection of papers and tutorials)</a>
<li><a href="">Haskell Programming from First Principles</a>
<section><h1>Write scripts!</h1>
<p>Easy way to get started</p>
<pre><code>#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-3.2 --install-ghc runghc --package turtle
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Turtle
main = echo "Hello World!"</code>
<p>Thanks for being a great audeince</p>
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