title: Michael Snoyman's homepage about: > I'm a (mainly) Haskell web developer, and lead developer of the [Yesod Web Framework](http://www.yesodweb.com). I'm the Director of Engineering at [FP Complete](https://www.fpcomplete.com). I live in Maalot, Israel with my wife and four kids. profile: url: /img/profile.jpg alt: Michael Snoyman width: 150 height: 213 toplinks: #- url: '/blog' # text: Blog on this site #- url: 'https://twitter.com/snoyberg' # text: '@snoyberg' #- url: 'http://www.haskellers.com/user/snoyberg' # text: I'm a Haskeller - url: 'http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920023142.do' text: "The Yesod book from O'Reilly" #- url: 'https://plus.google.com/116553865628071717889/posts' # text: "+Michael Snoyman" publications: - url: 'http://aosabook.org/en/posa/warp.html' text: Performance of Open Source Applications date: 2013-11 - url: "http://www.aosabook.org/en/yesod.html" text: Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume 2 date: 2012-05 - url: "http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920023142.do" text: Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod date: 2012-04 publisher: O'Reilly - url: "http://steve.vinoski.net/pdf/IC-Warp_a_Haskell_Web_Server.pdf" text: "Warp: A Haskell Web Server" date: 2011-06 publisher: "IEEE Spectrum, The Functional Web" talks: - date: 2017-05 title: Web Programming and Streaming Data in Haskell venue: LambdaConf links: - url: "http://www.snoyman.com/reveal/conduit-yesod" text: Slides - url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9957qVltU00" text: "Video (1)" - url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2GxCcgopgI" text: "Video (2)" - date: 2017-05 title: Applied Haskell (two day training) venue: LambdaConf links: [] - date: 2015-11 title: Haskell for fast, concurrent, robust services venue: Twitter links: - url: "/static/reveal/2015-11-10-twitter-haskell-fast-concurrent-robust-services.html" text: Slides - url: "https://youtu.be/6bkWvfI7QDQ" text: Video - date: 2015-08 title: Haskell in Enterprise venue: Haskeller Meetup, Tel Aviv links: - url: "/static/reveal/2015-08-30-tel-aviv-haskell-in-enterprise.html" text: Slides - date: 2014-10 title: Hybrid server/client Haskell web apps venue: PolyConf 2014 links: - url: "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wn-ceTyS8WqDlbzkm_dSyl02rOdskqE8IYRLTbRxFtI&authuser=0" text: Slides - url: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfINRj5OzGw" text: Video - date: 2014-10 title: Conduit venue: Haskell Users Group, Berlin links: - url: "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RBefOCZ7AKOo4f1yiF4mtKPAT3l5vY9ky2SR02O4Vvg&authuser=0" text: Slides - date: 2014-02 title: Pipes and Conduit venue: Haskell Cast links: - url: "http://www.haskellcast.com/episode/006-gabriel-gonzalez-and-michael-snoyman-on-pipes-and-conduit/" text: Video - date: 2013-11 title: Yesod and FP Complete venue: Mostly Erlang (podcast) links: - url: "http://mostlyerlang.com/2013/11/27/023-yesod-and-fp-complete/" text: Audio - date: 2013-10 title: Programming with Functional Style venue: Erlang Factory, Tel Aviv links: - url: "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1770ZKnm_bUpkOfzYN_IZq7AVFE6J1pKyFMX9iqVgyAI/edit?usp=sharing" text: Slides - date: 2012-12 title: Haskell and Yesod venue: Sayeret Lambda links: - url: "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_A1QMbFPmpfBc-uJz8Z4G4tESVuxErW4kmI-R2yVnU4/edit" text: Slides - date: 2012-12 title: Yesod venue: Floss Weekly links: - url: "http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/236" text: Video - date: 2012-11 title: Designing Domain Specific Languages venue: O'Reilly Webinar links: - url: "http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/e/2400" text: Video - url: "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1flkeCW-8rNPrT1d-YkxMm4repuAeT1YxjmdRd2f-FDs/edit" text: Slides - date: 2012-10 title: Yesod venue: Sayeret Lambda (podcast) links: - url: "http://narkisr.github.io/lambda-pod/posts/2012-10/lambda-pod-yesod-episode.html" text: Audio - date: 2012-06 title: Designing Type-Safe Haskell APIs venue: Big Techday 5 links: - url: "http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/e/2351" text: Video - url: "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K7smIeqmca-fY8qgQUKrvWWHTUPJoKuVLRtLeWYFMtI/edit" text: Slides - date: 2011-11 title: Yesod Web Framework venue: QCon San Francisco links: - url: "http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Yesod;jsessionid=6AF0AA3EF8CCCE7195BDBBB0C8E1050B" text: Video - url: "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15wN2uLhMdTWqvYD2RtN0W3XFyTYQ0Kh6bHOKlthBhX0/edit" text: Slides sites: - url: "http://photos.snoyman.com" text: Family Photo Blog - url: "http://www.yesodweb.com" text: Yesod Web Framework - url: "http://www.haskellers.com" text: Haskellers - url: "http://packdeps.haskellers.com" text: Packdeps - url: "http://luach.snoyman.com" text: Luach