-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | Alternative API for processes, featuring more type safety -- -- Please see README.md @package typed-process @version -- | Please see the README.md file for examples of using this API. module System.Process.Typed -- | An abstract configuration for a process, which can then be launched -- into an actual running Process. Takes three type parameters, -- providing the types of standard input, standard output, and standard -- error, respectively. -- -- There are three ways to construct a value of this type: -- -- -- -- In all cases, the default for all three streams is to inherit the -- streams from the parent process. For other settings, see the setters -- below for default values. data ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | A specification for how to create one of the three standard child -- streams. See examples below. data StreamSpec (streamType :: StreamType) a -- | Whether a stream is an input stream or output stream. Note that this -- is from the perspective of the child process, so that a child's -- standard input stream is an STInput, even though the parent -- process will be writing to it. data StreamType STInput :: StreamType STOutput :: StreamType -- | A running process. The three type parameters provide the type of the -- standard input, standard output, and standard error streams. data Process stdin stdout stderr -- | Create a ProcessConfig from the given command and arguments. proc :: FilePath -> [String] -> ProcessConfig () () () -- | Create a ProcessConfig from the given shell command. shell :: String -> ProcessConfig () () () -- | Set the child's standard input stream to the given StreamSpec. -- -- Default: inherit setStdin :: StreamSpec STInput stdin -> ProcessConfig stdin0 stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set the child's standard output stream to the given StreamSpec. -- -- Default: inherit setStdout :: StreamSpec STOutput stdout -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout0 stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set the child's standard error stream to the given StreamSpec. -- -- Default: inherit setStderr :: StreamSpec STOutput stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr0 -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set the working directory of the child process. -- -- Default: current process's working directory. setWorkingDir :: FilePath -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set the environment variables of the child process. -- -- Default: current process's environment. setEnv :: [(String, String)] -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Should we close all file descriptors besides stdin, stdout, and -- stderr? See close_fds for more information. -- -- Default: False setCloseFds :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Should we create a new process group? -- -- Default: False setCreateGroup :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Delegate handling of Ctrl-C to the child. For more information, see -- delegate_ctlc. -- -- Default: False setDelegateCtlc :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Detach console on Windows, see detach_console. -- -- Default: False setDetachConsole :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Create new console on Windows, see create_new_console. -- -- Default: False setCreateNewConsole :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set a new session with the POSIX setsid syscall, does nothing -- on non-POSIX. See new_session. -- -- Default: False setNewSession :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set the child process's group ID with the POSIX setgid -- syscall, does nothing on non-POSIX. See child_group. -- -- Default: False setChildGroup :: GroupID -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Set the child process's user ID with the POSIX setuid -- syscall, does nothing on non-POSIX. See child_user. -- -- Default: False setChildUser :: UserID -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Should we throw an exception when the process exits with a non-success -- code? -- -- If set to True, then when stopProcess is called - either -- directly or via withProcess or other wrappers - the processes -- exit code will be checked. Any exit code besides ExitSuccess -- will result in an ExitCodeException being thrown. -- -- Default: False setCheckExitCode :: Bool -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -- | Create a new StreamSpec from the given StdStream and a -- helper function. This function: -- -- mkStreamSpec :: StdStream -> (Maybe Handle -> IO (a, IO ())) -> StreamSpec streamType a -- | A stream spec which simply inherits the stream of the parent process. inherit :: StreamSpec anyStreamType () -- | A stream spec which will close the stream for the child process. closed :: StreamSpec anyStreamType () -- | An input stream spec which sets the input to the given -- ByteString. A separate thread will be forked to write the -- contents to the child process. byteStringInput :: ByteString -> StreamSpec STInput () -- | Capture the output of a process in a ByteString. -- -- This function will fork a separate thread to consume all input from -- the process, and will only make the results available when the -- underlying Handle is closed. As this is provided as an -- STM action, you can either check if the result is available, or -- block until it's ready. -- -- In the event of any exception occurring when reading from the -- Handle, the result of this function will be a Left value -- containing a ByteStringOutputException. byteStringOutput :: StreamSpec STOutput (STM (Either ByteStringOutputException ByteString)) -- | Create a new pipe between this process and the child, and return a -- Handle to communicate with the child. createPipe :: StreamSpec anyStreamType Handle -- | Use the provided Handle for the child process, and when the -- process exits, do not close it. This is useful if, for example, -- you want to have multiple processes write to the same log file -- sequentially. useHandleOpen :: Handle -> StreamSpec anyStreamType () -- | Use the provided Handle for the child process, and when the -- process exits, close it. If you have no reason to keep the -- Handle open, you should use this over useHandleOpen. useHandleClose :: Handle -> StreamSpec anyStreamType () -- | Provide input to a process by writing to a conduit. sink :: MonadIO m => StreamSpec STInput (ConduitM ByteString o m ()) -- | Read output from a process by read from a conduit. source :: MonadIO m => StreamSpec STOutput (ConduitM i ByteString m ()) -- | Launch a process based on the given ProcessConfig. You should -- ensure that you close stopProcess on the result. It's usually -- better to use one of the functions in this module which ensures -- stopProcess is called, such as withProcess. startProcess :: MonadIO m => ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> m (Process stdin stdout stderr) -- | Close a process and release any resources acquired. This will ensure -- terminateProcess is called, wait for the process to actually -- exit, and then close out resources allocated for the streams. In the -- event of any cleanup exceptions being thrown, or if a non-success exit -- code was received and setCheckExitCode was used, this will -- throw an exception. stopProcess :: MonadIO m => Process stdin stdout stderr -> m () -- | Use the bracket pattern to call startProcess and ensure -- stopProcess is called. withProcess :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> (Process stdin stdout stderr -> m a) -> m a -- | Run a process, capture its standard output and error as a -- ByteString, wait for it to complete, and then return its exit -- code, output, and error. -- -- Note that any previously used setStdout or setStderr -- will be overridden. readProcess :: MonadIO m => ProcessConfig stdin stdoutIgnored stderrIgnored -> m (ExitCode, ByteString, ByteString) -- | Run the given process, wait for it to exit, and returns its -- ExitCode. runProcess :: MonadIO m => ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> m ExitCode -- | Same as runProcess, but ignores the ExitCode. runProcess_ :: MonadIO m => ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr -> m () -- | Wait for the process to exit and then return its ExitCode. waitExitCode :: MonadIO m => Process stdin stdout stderr -> m ExitCode -- | Same as waitExitCode, but in STM. waitExitCodeSTM :: Process stdin stdout stderr -> STM ExitCode -- | Check if a process has exited and, if so, return its ExitCode. checkExitCode :: MonadIO m => Process stdin stdout stderr -> m (Maybe ExitCode) -- | Same as checkExitCode, but in STM. checkExitCodeSTM :: Process stdin stdout stderr -> STM (Maybe ExitCode) -- | Get the child's standard input stream value. getStdin :: Process stdin stdout stderr -> stdin -- | Get the child's standard output stream value. getStdout :: Process stdin stdout stderr -> stdout -- | Get the child's standard error stream value. getStderr :: Process stdin stdout stderr -> stderr -- | Exit code generated by stopProcess when setCheckExitCode -- is True and a process exits with a non-success code. Contains -- the non-success code, and if any other exceptions occur during -- cleanup, that exception. data ExitCodeException ExitCodeException :: ExitCode -> (Maybe SomeException) -> ExitCodeException -- | Wrapper for when an exception is thrown when reading from a child -- process, used by byteStringOutput. newtype ByteStringOutputException ByteStringOutputException :: SomeException -> ByteStringOutputException instance GHC.Show.Show System.Process.Typed.ByteStringOutputException instance GHC.Show.Show System.Process.Typed.ExitCodeException instance GHC.Base.Functor (System.Process.Typed.StreamSpec streamType) instance GHC.Base.Functor System.Process.Typed.Cleanup instance (stdin ~ (), stdout ~ (), stderr ~ ()) => Data.String.IsString (System.Process.Typed.ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr) instance (streamType ~ 'System.Process.Typed.STInput, res ~ ()) => Data.String.IsString (System.Process.Typed.StreamSpec streamType res) instance GHC.Base.Applicative System.Process.Typed.Cleanup instance GHC.Exception.Exception System.Process.Typed.ExitCodeException instance GHC.Exception.Exception System.Process.Typed.ByteStringOutputException