--- title: Everything you didn't want to know about monad transformer state --- ### Monad Transformer State *Everything you didn't want to know* * Michael Snoyman * VP of Engineering, FP Complete * LambdaWorld 2017
--- ## What's a monad transformer? * (What's a monad? They're like burritos...) * Adds extra functionality to an existing monad * Convenient way to get this functionality * Example: `ReaderT` avoids needing to pass an extra argument to functions * I'll explain transformer _environment_ and _state_ during the talk ---- ## Which transformers are we covering? * `ReaderT`, `StateT`, `ExceptT`: covered explicitly * `IdentityT`, `WriterT`, `LoggingT`, `MaybeT`: covered implicitly * They're isomorphic to something mentioned above * Continuation-based transformers (`ContT`, `Conduit`): out of scope * Feel free to ask me about them later! * Also, only doing shallow transformers (1 layer) ---- ## Meet the transformers ```haskell newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT (r -> m a) newtype StateT s m a = StateT (s -> m (a, s)) newtype ExceptT e m a = ExceptT ( m (Either e a)) ``` Or specialized to `IO` and turned into functions: ```haskell type ReaderIO r a = r -> IO a type StateIO s a = s -> IO (a, s) type ExceptIO e a = IO (Either e a) ``` Let's motivate some problems --- ## A concurrent problem *No trick question here* I have `foo :: IO a` and `bar :: IO b`. I want to run both at the same time in separate threads. How do I do that? ```haskell -- In Control.Concurrent.Async concurrently :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (a, b) concurrently foo bar :: IO (a, b) ``` ---- ## An extra argument Let's slightly modify things: ```haskell foo :: MyEnv -> IO a bar :: MyEnv -> IO b baz :: MyEnv -> IO (a, b) baz myEnv = concurrently (foo myEnv) (bar myEnv) ``` So far so good? ---- ## What about ReaderT? Explicit arguments are so boring! Let's move over to `ReaderT`. ```haskell foo :: ReaderT MyEnv IO a bar :: ReaderT MyEnv IO b baz :: ReaderT MyEnv IO (a, b) baz = concurrently foo bar -- bad! ``` * Now `concurrently` doesn't type check! * Can we make this work anyway? ---- ## Unwrap the `ReaderT`! ```haskell concurrentlyR :: ReaderT env IO a -> ReaderT env IO b -> ReaderT env IO (a, b) concurrentlyR (ReaderT foo) (ReaderT bar) = ReaderT $ \env -> concurrently (foo env) (bar env) ``` After all, `ReaderT` is just a convenient way to avoid argument passing. ---- ## Ask, lift, and run * Don't need to use explicit data constructor unwrapping ```haskell concurrentlyR foo bar = do env <- ask lift $ concurrently (runReaderT foo env) (runReaderT bar env) ``` * This all feels tedious, and unfortunately non-general * _Leading question_ Surely there must be some general way to write `concurrently`, right? ---- ## lifted-async * Ask and ye shall receive! ```haskell -- Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted from lifted-async concurrently :: MonadBaseControl IO m => m a -> m b -> m (a, b) ``` * `MonadBaseControl` is from `monad-control` * Things that can be turned into `IO` and back... sort of * Lots of instances, including `ReaderT`, `StateT` and `ExceptT` --- ## Pop quiz! What is the output of this program? ```haskell import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted putter :: StateT Int IO () putter = do put 2 concurrently_ (put 3) (put 4) main :: IO () main = do res <- execStateT putter 1 print res ``` * Outputs `4` * What happened to `3`? ---- ## Playing with bracket_ Guess the output (again) ```haskell foo :: StateT [String] IO () foo = bracket_ (modify (++ ["1"])) -- acquire (modify (++ ["3"])) -- release (modify (++ ["2"])) -- inner main = do res <- execStateT foo [] print res ``` Trick question! Depends on which `bracket_` you use * lifted-base: `["2"]` * exceptions: `["1","2","3"]` Ahhhhh!!! ---- ## Implement concurrently for StateT Why does this happen? Let's implement `concurrently` for `StateT` ```haskell concurrentlyS :: StateT s IO a -> StateT s IO b -> StateT s IO (a, b) concurrentlyS (StateT f) (StateT g) = StateT $ \s0 -> do ((a, s1), (b, s2)) <- concurrently (f s0) (g s0) return ((a, b), s1) ``` We generated two states, and have to discard one of them! ---- ## Implement bracket_ for StateT ```haskell bracket_S :: StateT s IO a -> StateT s IO b -> StateT s IO c -> StateT s IO c bracket_S (StateT f) (StateT g) (StateT h) = StateT $ \s0 -> bracket_ (f s0) (g s0) (h s0) ``` `h` doesn't see the new state from `f`, and `g` doesn't see the new state from either `f` or `h`! ---- ## How about `ExceptT`? ```haskell concurrentlyE :: ExceptT e IO a -> ExceptT e IO b -> ExceptT e IO (a, b) concurrentlyE (ExceptT f) (ExceptT g) = ExceptT $ do (ea, eb) <- concurrently f g return $ case (ea, eb) of (Right a, Right b) -> Right (a, b) (Left e, Right _) -> Left e (Right _, Left e) -> Left e (Left e, Left _discarded) -> Left e ``` More discarding! --- ## Take a step back 1. This is not just a bug in implementation 2. The ambiguity and discarding is inherent to implementing the algorithm 3. We cannot implement some classes of functions for some classes of transformers without discarding Next: let's define those classes ---- ## Control functions * Arguably bad term, but it's used a lot * Functions which take `IO`/`m` as arguments * Aka contravariant in the monad * Aka monad appears in negative position * More info on nomenclature: https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2016/11/covariance-contravariance --- ## But does it lift? Which of these functions can be converted to `StateT s IO` with `lift`? ```haskell putStrLn :: String -> IO a forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a) atomicModifyIORef :: IORef a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IO b modifyMVar_ :: MVar a -> (a -> IO a) -> IO () ``` ---- ## Monad transformer environment versus state ```haskell newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT (r -> m a) newtype StateT s m a = StateT (s -> m (a,s)) newtype ExceptT e m a = ExceptT ( m (Either e a)) ``` * `ReaderT` has a transformer _environment_ (the `r`), but does not modify the output (`m a`) * `ExceptT` has no environment, but has an output _state_ (`m (Either e a)` instead of `m a`) * `StateT` has both (`s` as input, `m (a, s)` as output) ---- ## Unlifting * Also a made up term :) * Unlifting is taking a control operation living in `IO` and moving it into a transformer * Transformers with no monadic state can safely "unlift" control operations * Transformers with monadic state may require discarding when unlifting ---- ## ReaderT-like things Any transformer without state is isomorphic to `ReaderT`. Examples: * `IdentityT` (pretend `()` is the environment) * `LoggingT` (the logging function is the environment) * `NoLoggingT` (it's just a newtype on `IdentityT`) --- ## Unlifting without discarding If a control function only takes one action as input, you can get away without discarding. ```haskell tryS (StateT f) = StateT $ \s -> do eres <- try (f s) return $ case eres of Left e -> (Left e, s) Right (a, s') -> (Right a, s') ``` ---- ## Natural linear call path Even though `catch` has two input actions, the handler is only called _after_ the main action completes. ```haskell catchS (StateT f) onErr = StateT $ \s -> f s `catch` (flip runStateT s . onErr) ``` No updated state is available from main action, since an exception was thrown. This is safe! ---- ## Finally a problem Loses state updates in `g`: ```haskell finallyS (StateT f) (StateT g) = StateT $ \s -> f s `finally` g s ``` Instead have to reimplement functionality: ```haskell finallyS (StateT f) (StateT g) = StateT $ \s0 -> mask $ \restore -> do res <- try $ restore $ f s0 case res of Left e -> do _ <- restore $ g s0 throwIO (e :: SomeException) Right (s1, x) -> do (s2, _) <- restore $ g s1 return (s2, x) ``` ---- ## The problem cases Two categories of problem cases 1. Things like `finally`: can manually reimplement them to get the state retaining behavior desired. Problems: * End up with mismatched semantics between libraries (the `bracket_` example). * Tedious and error-prone to reimplement these functions. 2. Things which _cannot_ be solved, like `concurrently` ---- ## Cheating Could define a safe-for-`StateT` `bracket_`: ```haskell bracket_ :: MonadBaseControl IO m => IO a -> IO b -> m c -> m c ``` But it's not exactly the type signature people expect. --- ## Existing generic solutions Two basic approaches today for typeclass-based control function lifting. ---- ## exceptions Define an `mtl`-style typeclass for each operation. ```haskell class Monad m => MonadThrow m where throwM :: Exception e => e -> m a class MonadThrow m => MonadCatch m where catch :: Exception e => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a ``` Need an extra typeclass for each operation (forking, timeout, etc). ---- ## monad-control Define a generic interface for all unlifting. ```haskell class MonadBase b m => MonadBaseControl b m | m -> b where type StM m a :: * liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase m b -> b a) -> m a restoreM :: StM m a -> m a ``` Difficult to understand, easy to write buggy instances, more likely to implement bad discard behavior. ---- ## unliftio New entry in the market for control-like things ```haskell class MonadIO m => MonadUnliftIO m where askUnliftIO :: m (m a -> IO a) ``` * Slightly different in practice (impredicativity...) * Only has valid instances for `ReaderT`-like things * Specialized to `IO` for simplicity * Can do similar things with type hackery on `MonadBaseControl` * https://www.stackage.org/package/monad-unlift * Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe ---- ## Providing StateT and ExceptT features But I want to have state and deal with failures! Practical recommendations: * Feel free to use any monad transformer "in the small," where you're not forking threads or acquiring resources * Keep your overall applications to `ReaderT env IO` (or use `RIO`) Prepare torches and pitchforks for the next two slides ---- ## Use mutable variables * `StateT` is inherently non-thread-safe * It also doesn't allow state to survive a runtime exception * Use a mutable variable and keep it in a `ReaderT` * Choose the correct mutable variable based on concurrency needs * Recommendation: default to `TVar` unless you have a good reason to do otherwise ---- ## Use runtime exceptions * If you're in `IO`, you have to deal with them anyway * Less type safe than `ExceptT`? Yes * But that's the Haskell runtime system * Also, you have to deal with async exceptions anyway * Caveat emptor: Many people disagree with me here --- ## Conclusion * We like our `StateT` and `ExceptT` transformers * We want to naturally lift functions into them * It simply doesn't work in many cases * Use libraries that don't silently discard your state * You'll sometimes get stuck using less elegant things... * But at least they work :) ---- ## References This talk is based on a series of blog posts. Get even more gory details! * https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/tale-of-two-brackets * https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/readert-design-pattern * https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/07/the-rio-monad * https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/07/announcing-new-unliftio-library ---- ## Questions? Thanks everyone!