This blog post addresses a long-standing FIXME in the conduit-combinators documentation, as well as [a question on Twitter]( This blog post will assume familiarity with the Conduit streaming data library; if you'd like to read up on it first, please [check out the tutorial]( The full executable snippet is at the end of this blog post, but we'll build up intermediate bits along the way. First, the [Stack]( script header, import statement, and some minor helper functions. ```haskell #!/usr/bin/env stack --stack --resolver lts-8.12 script import Conduit src10 :: Monad m => ConduitM i Int m () src10 = yieldMany [1..10] remaining :: MonadIO m => ConduitM i o m () remaining = lengthC >>= \x -> liftIO (putStrLn ("Remaining: " ++ show x)) ``` `src10` just provides the numbers 1 through 10 as a source, and `remaining` tells you how many values are remaining from upstream. Cool. Now let's pretend that the Conduit libraries completely forgot to provide a `drop` function. That is, a function that will take an `Int` and discard that many values from the upstream. We could write one ourselves pretty easily: ```haskell dropSink :: Monad m => Int -> ConduitM i o m () dropSink cnt | cnt <= 0 = return () | otherwise = await >> dropSink (cnt - 1) ``` (Bonus points to readers: this function is inefficient in the case that upstream has less than `cnt` values, optimize it.) This function will drop a certain number of elements from upstream, so the next component we monadically bind with can pick it up. Let's see how that looks: ```haskell goodDropSink :: IO () goodDropSink = runConduit $ src10 .| (dropSink 5 >> remaining) ``` All well and good. But notice two things: * I called this `dropSink`. Why sink? * I stressed that we had to monadically bind. Why? Well, there's another formulation of this drop function. Instead of letting the next monadically bound component pick up remaining values, we could _pass the remaining values downstream_. Fortunately it's really easy to implement this function in terms of `dropSink`: ```haskell dropTrans :: Monad m => Int -> ConduitM i i m () dropTrans cnt = dropSink cnt >> mapC id ``` (For more meaningless bonus points, feel free to implement this without `dropSink`, or for a greater challenge, implement `dropSink` in terms of `dropTrans`.) Anyway, this function can be used easily as: ```haskell goodDropTrans :: IO () goodDropTrans = runConduit $ src10 .| dropTrans 5 .| remaining ``` Many may argue that this is more natural. To some extent, it mirrors the behavior of `take` more closely, as `take` passes the initial values downstream. On the other hand, `dropTrans` cannot _guarantee_ that the values will be removed from the stream; if instead of `dropTrans 5 .| remaining` I simply did `dropTrans 5 .| return ()`, then the `dropTrans` would never have a chance to fire, since execution is driven from downstream. Also, as demonstrated, it's really easy to capture this transformer behavior from the sink behavior; the other way is trickier. My point here is that we have two legitimate definitions of a function. And from my experience, different people expect different behavior for the function. In fact, some people (myself included) intuitively expect different behavior _depending on the circumstance_! This is what earns `drop` the title of worst function in conduit. To make it even more clear how bad this is, let's see how you can misuse these functions unintentionally. ```haskell badDropSink :: IO () badDropSink = runConduit $ src10 .| dropSink 5 .| remaining ``` This code looks perfectly reasonable, and if we just replaced `dropSink` with `dropTrans`, it would be correct. But instead of saying, as expected, that we have 5 values remaining, this will print 0. The reason: `src10` yields 10 values to `dropSink`. `dropSink` drops 5 of those and leaves the remaining 5 untouched. But `dropSink` never itself yields a value downstream, so `remaining` receives nothing. Because of the type system, it's slightly trickier to misuse `dropTrans`. Let's first do the naive thing of just assuming it's `dropSink`: ```haskell badDropTrans :: IO () badDropTrans = runConduit $ src10 .| (dropTrans 5 >> remaining) ``` GHC does not like this one bit: ``` error: • Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Data.Void.Void’ Expected type: ConduitM () Data.Void.Void IO () Actual type: ConduitM () Int IO () ``` The problem is that `runConduit` expects a pipeline where the final output value is `Void`. However, `dropTrans` has an output value of type `Int`. And if it's yielding `Int`s, so must `remaining`. This is definitely an argument in favor of `dropTrans` being the better function: the type system helps us a bit. (It's also an argument in favor of keeping [the type signature of `runConduit` as-is]( However, it's still possible to accidentally screw things up in bigger pipelines, e.g.: ```haskell badDropTrans :: IO () badDropTrans = runConduit $ src10 .| (dropTrans 5 >> remaining) .| (sinkList >>= liftIO . print) ``` This code may look a bit contrived, but in real-world Conduit code it's not at all uncommon to deeply nest these components in such a way that the error would not be present. You may be surprised to hear that the output of this program is: ``` Remaining: 0 [6,7,8,9,10] ``` The reason is that the `sinkList` is downstream from `dropTrans`, and grabs all of its output. `dropTrans` itself will drain all output from `src10`, leaving nothing behind for `remaining` to grab. The Conduit libraries use the `dropSink` variety of function. I wish there was a better approach here that felt more intuitive to everyone. The closest I can think of to that is deprecating `drop` and replacing it with more explicitly named `dropSink` and `dropTrans`, but I'm not sure how I feel about that (feedback welcome, and other ideas _certainly_ welcome). * * * Full code ```haskell #!/usr/bin/env stack --stack --resolver lts-8.12 script import Conduit dropSink :: Monad m => Int -> ConduitM i o m () dropSink cnt | cnt <= 0 = return () | otherwise = await >> dropSink (cnt - 1) dropTrans :: Monad m => Int -> ConduitM i i m () dropTrans cnt = dropSink cnt >> mapC id src10 :: Monad m => ConduitM i Int m () src10 = yieldMany [1..10] remaining :: MonadIO m => ConduitM i o m () remaining = lengthC >>= \x -> liftIO (putStrLn ("Remaining: " ++ show x)) goodDropSink :: IO () goodDropSink = runConduit $ src10 .| (dropSink 5 >> remaining) badDropSink :: IO () badDropSink = runConduit $ src10 .| dropSink 5 .| remaining goodDropTrans :: IO () goodDropTrans = runConduit $ src10 .| dropTrans 5 .| remaining badDropTrans :: IO () badDropTrans = runConduit $ src10 .| (dropTrans 5 >> remaining) .| (sinkList >>= liftIO . print) main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Good drop sink" goodDropSink putStrLn "Bad drop sink" badDropSink putStrLn "Good drop trans" goodDropTrans putStrLn "Bad drop trans" badDropTrans ``` Full output ``` Good drop sink Remaining: 5 Bad drop sink Remaining: 0 Good drop trans Remaining: 5 Bad drop trans Remaining: 0 [6,7,8,9,10] ```