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Michael Snoyman 2017-01-01 15:25:43 +02:00
parent 7c4b3b973d
commit daad8d3bdc

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@ -477,7 +477,17 @@ main = do
_ -> Prelude.putStrLn "Try again"
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
@ -491,7 +501,7 @@ main = do
-- /show
2. How is `return` implemented for the `Maybe` monad? Try replacing `return`
with its implementation in the code above.
@ -508,7 +518,17 @@ main = do
| otherwise = putStrLn "Incorrect, please try again"
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`return` is simply the `Just` constructor. This gets defined as:
@ -517,7 +537,7 @@ main = do
return = Just
3. `yearDiff` is really just subtraction. Try to replace the calls to
`yearDiff` with explicit usage of the `-` operator.
@ -549,7 +569,17 @@ main = do
displayAge maybeAge
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
@ -578,7 +608,7 @@ main = do
displayAge maybeAge
4. It's possible to write an applicative functor version of the
auto-reverse-arguments code by modifying the `yearDiff` function. Try to do
@ -604,7 +634,17 @@ main = do
| otherwise = putStrLn "Please try again"
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
@ -637,65 +677,75 @@ main = do
displayAge maybeAge
* Now try to do it without modifying `yearDiff` directly, but by using a
helper function which is applied to `yearDiff`.
5. Now try to do it without modifying `yearDiff` directly, but by
using a helper function which is applied to `yearDiff`.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-7.14 runghc
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-7.14 runghc
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
displayAge maybeAge =
case maybeAge of
Nothing -> putStrLn "You provided invalid input"
Just age -> putStrLn $ "In that year, you will be: " ++ show age
displayAge maybeAge =
case maybeAge of
Nothing -> putStrLn "You provided invalid input"
Just age -> putStrLn $ "In that year, you will be: " ++ show age
yearDiff futureYear birthYear = futureYear - birthYear
-- show
yourHelperFunction f ...
-- /show
yearDiff futureYear birthYear = futureYear - birthYear
-- show
yourHelperFunction f ...
-- /show
| yourHelperFunction yearDiff 5 6 == 1 = putStrLn "Correct!"
| otherwise = putStrLn "Please try again"
| yourHelperFunction yearDiff 5 6 == 1 = putStrLn "Correct!"
| otherwise = putStrLn "Please try again"
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-7.14 runghc
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-7.14 runghc
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
displayAge maybeAge =
case maybeAge of
Nothing -> putStrLn "You provided invalid input"
Just age -> putStrLn $ "In that year, you will be: " ++ show age
displayAge maybeAge =
case maybeAge of
Nothing -> putStrLn "You provided invalid input"
Just age -> putStrLn $ "In that year, you will be: " ++ show age
yearDiff futureYear birthYear = futureYear - birthYear
yearDiff futureYear birthYear = futureYear - birthYear
main = do
putStrLn "Please enter your birth year"
birthYearString <- getLine
putStrLn "Please enter some year in the future"
futureYearString <- getLine
let maybeAge = do
futureYear <- readMaybe futureYearString
birthYear <- readMaybe birthYearString
return $
if futureYear < birthYear
then yourHelperFunction yearDiff birthYear futureYear
else yourHelperFunction yearDiff futureYear birthYear
displayAge maybeAge
main = do
putStrLn "Please enter your birth year"
birthYearString <- getLine
putStrLn "Please enter some year in the future"
futureYearString <- getLine
let maybeAge = do
futureYear <- readMaybe futureYearString
birthYear <- readMaybe birthYearString
return $
if futureYear < birthYear
then yourHelperFunction yearDiff birthYear futureYear
else yourHelperFunction yearDiff futureYear birthYear
displayAge maybeAge
-- show
yourHelperFunction f x y
| x > y = f x y
| otherwise = f y x
-- /show
-- show
yourHelperFunction f x y
| x > y = f x y
| otherwise = f y x
-- /show