Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) a443134757 Initialization
2011-04-04 16:09:11 +02:00

816 lines
31 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Boilerplate Build" default="build" basedir="../"> <!-- one back since we're in build/ -->
<!-- Load in Ant-Contrib to give us access to some very useful tasks! -->
<!-- the .jar file is located in the tools directory -->
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
<pathelement location="${basedir}/build/tools/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>
<!-- load shell environment -->
<property environment="ENV" />
<!-- load property files -->
<property file="build/config/"/>
<property file="build/config/"/>
<!-- merge the stylesheet properties -->
<var name="stylesheet-files" value="${file.stylesheets}, ${file.default.stylesheets}"/>
<!-- merge the pages properties -->
<var name="page-files" value="${file.pages}, ${file.pages.default.include}"/>
<target name="basics">
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="dev"/>
<!-- Build a dev environment -->
<echo message="Building a Development Environment..."/>
<antcall target=""/>
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="test"/>
<!-- Build a test environment -->
<echo message="Building a Test Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-basics.test"/>
<!-- Build a production environment -->
<echo message="Building a Production Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-basics.production"/>
<target name="text">
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="dev"/>
<!-- Build a dev environment -->
<echo message="Building a Development Environment..."/>
<antcall target=""/>
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="test"/>
<!-- Build a test environment -->
<echo message="Building a Test Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-text.test"/>
<!-- Build a production environment -->
<echo message="Building a Production Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-text.production"/>
<!-- funky order due to jpegtran being a jerk. See comment at top of imagesjpg task -->
<antcall target="-jpgcopy"/>
<target name="buildkit">
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="dev"/>
<!-- Build a dev environment -->
<echo message="Building a Development Environment..."/>
<antcall target=""/>
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="test"/>
<!-- Build a test environment -->
<echo message="Building a Test Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-buildkit.test"/>
<!-- Build a production environment -->
<echo message="Building a Production Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-buildkit.production"/>
<target name="build">
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="dev"/>
<!-- Build a dev environment -->
<echo message="Building a Development Environment..."/>
<antcall target="" />
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="test"/>
<!-- Build a test environment -->
<echo message="Building a Test Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-build.test" />
<!-- Build a production environment -->
<echo message="Building a Production Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-build.production" />
<target name="minify">
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="dev"/>
<!-- Build a dev environment -->
<echo message="Building a Development Environment..."/>
<antcall target=""/>
<equals arg1="${env}" arg2="test"/>
<!-- Build a test environment -->
<echo message="Building a Test Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-minify.test"/>
<!-- Build a production environment -->
<echo message="Building a Production Environment..."/>
<antcall target="-minify.production"/>
<!-- Target: basics -->
<target name=""
<target name="-basics.test"
<target name="-basics.production"
<!-- Target: text -->
<target name=""
<target name="-text.test"
<target name="-text.production"
<!-- Target: buildkit -->
<target name=""
<target name="-buildkit.test"
<target name="-buildkit.production"
<!-- Target: build -->
<target name=""
<target name="-build.test"
<target name="-build.production"
<!-- Target: minify -->
<target name=""
<target name="-minify.test"
<target name="-minify.production"
<target name="-load-build-info" description="(PRIVATE) Loads the build versioning information">
<property file="./${}/config/${}"/>
<target name="-clean" description="(PRIVATE) Wipe the previous build (Deletes the dir.publish directory">
<!-- This is a private target -->
<echo message="Cleaning up previous build directory..."/>
<delete dir="./${dir.publish}/"/>
<target name="-rev" description="(PRIVATE) Increase the current build number by one and set build date">
<!-- This is a private target -->
<echo message="====================================================================="/>
<echo message="Welcome to the HTML5 Boilerplate Build Script!"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="We're going to get your site all ship-shape and ready for prime time."/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="This should take somewhere between 15 seconds and a few minutes,"/>
<echo message="mostly depending on how many images we're going to compress."/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="Feel free to come back or stay here and follow along."/>
<echo message="====================================================================="/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="Increasing the build number..."/>
<propertyfile file="./${}/config/${}" comment="Build Information File - DO NOT CHANGE">
<entry key="build.number" type="int" default="0000" operation="+" pattern="0000"/>
<entry key="" type="date" value="now" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"/>
<property file="./${}/config/${}"/>
<echo>Creating build ${build.number}</echo>
<target name="current-number" depends="-load-build-info" description="(PUBLIC) Returns the current build number">
<echo>Current build number: ${build.number}</echo>
<target name="-copy" depends="-load-build-info">
<!-- This is a private target -->
<echo message="Copying over new files..."/>
<!-- combine the 2 exclude properties -->
<var name="excluded-files" value="${file.default.exclude}, ${file.exclude}"/>
<copy todir="./${dir.publish}">
<fileset dir="${dir.source}/" excludes="${excluded-files}"/>
<echo message="A copy of all non-dev files are now in: ./${dir.publish}."/>
<target name="-prodcopy" depends="-load-build-info">
<!-- This is a private target -->
<echo message="Copying over new files..."/>
<!-- combine the 2 exclude properties -->
<var name="prod-excluded-files" value="${file.default.exclude}, ${file.jpg.exclude}, ${file.exclude}"/>
<copy todir="./${dir.publish}">
<fileset dir="${dir.source}/" excludes="${prod-excluded-files}"/>
<echo message="A copy of all non-dev files are now in: ./${dir.publish}."/>
<target name="-js.main.concat" depends="-load-build-info" description="(PRIVATE) Concatenates the JS files in dir.js">
<echo message="Concatenating Main JS scripts..."/>
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}.js">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/">
<include name="**/${dir.js.main}/*.min.js"/>
<exclude name="**/${dir.js.mylibs}/*.js"/>
<exclude name="**/${dir.js.libs}/*.js"/>
<target name="-js.mylibs.concat" depends="-load-build-info" description="(PRIVATE) Concatenates the JS files in dir.js.mylibs">
<echo message="Concatenating JS libraries"/>
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/libs-${build.number}.js">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js.mylibs}/">
<include name="**/*.min.js"/>
<target name="-js.scripts.concat" depends="-load-build-info" if="build.concat.scripts">
<echo message="Concatenating library file with main script file"/>
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}.min.js">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/">
<include name="libs-${build.number}.js"/>
<include name="scripts-${build.number}.js"/>
<echo message="Concatenating library file with main debug script file"/>
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}-debug.min.js">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/">
<include name="libs-${build.number}.js"/>
<include name="scripts-${build.number}-debug.js"/>
<target name="-js.all.minify" depends="-js.libs.minify" description="(PRIVATE) Minifies the scripts.js files created by js.scripts.concat">
<echo message="Minifying concatenated script- and library-file"/>
<apply executable="java" parallel="false">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}">
<include name="**/*.js"/>
<exclude name="**/*.min.js"/>
<exclude name="**/${dir.js.libs}/*.js"/>
<arg line="-jar"/>
<arg path="./${}/${tool.yuicompressor}"/>
<arg line="--line-break"/>
<arg line="4000"/>
<arg line="-o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.js" to="../${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/*.min.js"/>
<target name="-js.libs.minify" depends="-load-build-info" description="(PRIVATE) Minifies the helper files in dir.js.libs">
<echo message="Minifying helper JS files..."/>
<apply executable="java" parallel="false">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js.libs}/" includes="*.js" excludes="*.min.js"/>
<arg line="-jar"/>
<arg path="./${}/${tool.yuicompressor}"/>
<arg line="-o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.js" to="../${dir.publish}/${dir.js.libs}/*-${build.number}.min.js"/>
<target name="-js.delete" depends="-load-build-info" description="(PRIVATE) Deletes the unoptimized js files from build if set">
<equals arg1="${build.delete.unoptimized}" arg2="true"/>
<echo message="Deleting unoptimized files..."/>
<delete file="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}.js"/>
<delete file="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}-debug.js"/>
<delete dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js.lib}/"/>
<delete file="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/libs-${build.number}.js"/>
this guy probably COULD be on but I think it's better if we keep him off for now. ^pi
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js.libs}/" includes="*.js" excludes="*.min.js"/>
<equals arg1="${build.delete.unoptimized}" arg2="true"/>
<equals arg1="${build.concat.scripts}" arg2="true"/>
<delete file="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/libs-${build.number}.js"/>
<delete file="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}.js"/>
<target name="-strip-console.log" description="(PRIVATE)Comments out any console.log statements">
<echo message="Commenting out console.log lines"/>
<replaceregexp match="(console.log\(.*\))" replace="/\*\1\*/" flags="g" >
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/">
<include name="**/*.js"/>
<exclude name="**/*.min.js"/>
<!-- HTML -->
<target name="-usemin" depends="-serverconfig" description="(PRIVATE) Replaces references to non-minified scripts">
<echo message="Switching to minified js files..."/>
<!-- switch from a regular jquery to minified -->
<replaceregexp match="jquery-(\d|\d(\.\d)+)\.js" replace="jquery-\1.min.js" flags="g">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<!-- switch any google CDN reference to minified -->
<replaceregexp match="(\d|\d(\.\d)+)\/jquery\.js" replace="\1/jquery.min.js" flags="g">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<echo>Kill off those versioning flags: ?v=2</echo>
<replaceregexp match='\?v=\d+">' replace='">' flags="g">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<echo>Remove favicon.ico reference if it is pointing to the root</echo>
<replaceregexp match="&lt;link rel=&quot;shortcut icon&quot; href=&quot;/favicon\.ico&quot;&gt;" replace="">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<!-- we maintain the apple-touch-icon reference for Android 2.2
<replace token="&lt;link rel=&quot;apple-touch-icon&quot; href=&quot;/apple-touch-icon.png&quot;>" value="">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<target name="-html" depends="-load-build-info" description="(PRIVATE) Very basic clean up of the HTML">
<echo message="Update the HTML to reference our concatenated script file: scripts-${build.number}.min.js"/>
<!-- style.css replacement handled as a replacetoken above -->
<replaceregexp match="&lt;!-- scripts concatenated [\d\w\s\W]*?!-- end ((scripts)|(concatenated and minified scripts))--&gt;" replace="&lt;script src='${dir.js}/scripts-${build.number}.min.js\'&gt;&lt;/script&gt;" flags="m">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<!--[! use comments like this one to avoid having them get minified -->
<target name="-htmlclean">
<echo message="Run htmlcompressor on the HTML"/>
<echo message=" - maintaining whitespace"/>
<echo message=" - removing html comments"/>
<echo message=" - compressing inline style/script tag contents"/>
<apply executable="java" parallel="false" force="true" dest="./${dir.publish}/" >
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/" includes="${page-files}"/>
<arg value="-jar"/>
<arg path="./${}/tools/${tool.htmlcompressor}"/>
<arg line="--type html"/>
<arg line="--preserve-multi-spaces"/>
<arg line="--remove-quotes"/>
<arg line="--compress-js"/>
<arg line="--compress-css"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.html" to="../${dir.publish}/*.html"/>
<target name="-htmlbuildkit">
<echo message="Run htmlcompressor on the HTML"/>
<echo message=" - maintaining whitespace"/>
<echo message=" - retain html comments"/>
<echo message=" - compressing inline style/script tag contents"/>
<apply executable="java" parallel="false" force="true" dest="./${dir.publish}/" >
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/" includes="${page-files}"/>
<arg value="-jar"/>
<arg path="./${}/tools/${tool.htmlcompressor}"/>
<arg value="--preserve-comments"/>
<arg line="--preserve-multi-spaces"/>
<arg line="--type html"/>
<arg line="--compress-js"/>
<arg line="--compress-css"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.html" to="../${dir.publish}/*.html"/>
<target name="-htmlcompress">
<echo message="Run htmlcompressor on the HTML"/>
<echo message=" - removing unnecessary whitespace"/>
<echo message=" - removing html comments"/>
<echo message=" - compressing inline style/script tag contents"/>
<apply executable="java" parallel="false" force="true" dest="./${dir.publish}/" >
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/" includes="${page-files}"/>
<arg value="-jar"/>
<arg path="./${}/tools/${tool.htmlcompressor}"/>
<arg line="--type html"/>
<arg line="--remove-quotes"/>
<arg line="--compress-js"/>
<arg line="--compress-css"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.html" to="../${dir.publish}/*.html"/>
<target name="-serverconfig" description="(PRIVATE) Upgrades expires headers">
<echo message="Upgrading expires header timeouts for js/css to 1yr..."/>
<replace file="./${dir.publish}/${file.serverconfig}" token="access plus 2 months" value="access plus 1 year"/>
<!-- CSS -->
<target name="-css" depends="-load-build-info" description="Concatenates and Minifies any stylesheets listed in the file.stylesheets property">
<echo message="Concatenating css..."/>
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.css}/style-${build.number}.css">
<filelist dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.css}" files="${stylesheet-files}"/>
<echo message="Minifying css..."/>
<apply executable="java" parallel="false">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.css}/" includes="style-${build.number}.css"/>
<arg line="-jar"/>
<arg path="./${}/${tool.yuicompressor}"/>
<arg line="-o"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="style-${build.number}.css" to="../${dir.publish}/${dir.css}/style-${build.number}.min.css"/>
<echo message="Updating the HTML with the new css filename"/>
<replace token="style.css" value="style-${build.number}.min.css" dir="${dir.publish}" includes="${page-files}"/>
<!-- IMAGES -->
<target name="-imagespng" description="(PRIVATE) Optimizes .png images using optipng">
<echo message="Optimizing images..."/>
<echo message="This part might take a while. But everything else is already done."/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="First, we run optipng on the .png files..."/>
<!-- osfamily=unix is actually true on OS X as well -->
<!-- On *nix's and OS X, check for optipng and give a helpful message if it's not installed -->
<os family="unix" />
<available file="optipng" filepath="${ENV.PATH}" />
<apply executable="optipng" osfamily="unix">
<arg value="-quiet"/>
<arg value="-o7"/>
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/">
<include name="**/*.png"/>
<os family="unix" />
<echo message="*** optipng NOT INSTALLED. SKIPPING OPTIMIZATION OF PNGs." />
<echo message="*** Install optipng to enable png optimization." />
<echo message="*** For instructions see 'Dependencies' at:" />
<apply executable="tools/optipng-0.6.4-exe/optipng.exe" osfamily="windows">
<arg value="-o7"/>
<arg value="-quiet"/>
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/">
<include name="**/*.png"/>
<target name="-imagesjpg" description="(PRIVATE) Optimizes .jpg images using jpegtan">
<echo message="Now, we clean up those jpgs..."/>
<!-- jpegtran is a little weird in that it assumes a pre-existing file means it's already optimized. -->
<!-- why? good question. To combat this, we skipped copying over the ${dir.images}/*.jpg earlier in the -->
<!-- copy task. Now, we're using jpegtran to copy the files over while we crunch 'em. -->
<equals arg1="${images.strip.metadata}" arg2="true"/>
<var name="strip-meta-tags" value="none"/>
<var name="strip-meta-tags" value="all"/>
<!-- On *nix's and OS X, check for jpegtran and give a helpful message if it's not installed -->
<os family="unix" />
<available file="jpegtran" filepath="${ENV.PATH}" />
<apply executable="jpegtran" osfamily="unix">
<fileset dir="${dir.source}/${dir.images}" includes="*.jpg"/>
<arg value="-copy"/>
<arg value="${strip-meta-tags}"/>
<arg value="-optimize"/>
<outputmapper type="glob" from="*.jpg" to="./${dir.publish}/${dir.images}/*.jpg"/>
<!-- you may want to flag optimized images. If so, do it here. Otherwise change this to type="identity" -->
<os family="unix" />
<echo message="*** jpegtran NOT INSTALLED. SKIPPING OPTIMIZATION OF JPEGs." />
<echo message="*** Install jpegtran to enable jpeg optimization." />
<echo message="*** For instructions see 'Dependencies' at:" />
<apply executable="tools/jpegtran.exe" osfamily="windows">
<fileset dir="${dir.source}/${dir.images}" includes="*.jpg"/>
<arg value="-copy"/>
<arg value="${strip-meta-tags}"/>
<arg value="-optimize"/>
<!-- you may want to flag optimized images. If so, do it here. Otherwise change this to type="identity" -->
<mapper type="glob" from="*.jpg" to="../${dir.publish}/${dir.images}/*.jpg"/>
<target name="-jpgcopy">
<echo message="Copying over the unmodified jpegs."/>
<copy todir="./${dir.publish}/${dir.images}">
<fileset dir="${dir.source}/${dir.images}" includes="*.jpg"/>