def homepage @items.find do |i| i.reps[0].path == %{#{@config[:webprefix]}/#{@conf.language}/} end end def sortedChildrenByMenuPriority(item) item.children.reject{|p| p[:isHidden]}. sort!{|x,y| x[:menupriority] <=> y[:menupriority]} end def generateMenu home=homepage if home.nil? return '' end liste=[] liste<<=link_to_unless_current(home[:title],home.reps[0]) sortedChildrenByMenuPriority(home).each do |page| liste <<= link_to_unless_current(page[:title],page.reps[0]) end "" end def depthOf(item) res=0 while item.parent != nil res+=1 item=item.parent end return res end def getSortedChildren(parent) if parent[:kind] == "blog" return parent.children.reject{|p| p[:isHidden]}.sort!{|x,y| x[:created_at] <=> y[:created_at] } else return parent.children.reject{|p| p[:isHidden]}.sort!{|x,y| x[:menupriority] <=> y[:menupriority] } end end def generateBlogSubMenu(language) year=0 res="" liste=getSortedChildren(@item).reverse!.collect! do |p| if p[:created_at].strftime("%Y") != year if year != 0 res<<=%{} end year=p[:created_at].strftime("%Y") res<<=%{


} if ! liste.empty? '
' else return end end def generateSubMenu() if @item[:noSubMenu] return end depth=depthOf(@item) if depth == 0 return end if @item.children.length == 0 and not @item.parent[:kind].to_s == "blog" page=@item.parent else page=@item end if @item[:kind].to_s == "article" key=:subtitle else key=:title end liste=getSortedChildren(page).collect do |p| if not p[key].nil? link_to_unless_current(p[key]+' »',p) else puts 'ERROR: key='+key end end if ! liste.empty? then liste = [ link_to_unless_current(page[key]+' »',page) ].concat( liste ) '
' else return end end # ======================= def blogimage(val,title="no name", divclass=nil) if depthOf( @item ) == 4 imgpath=@item.parent.path else imgpath=@item.path end imgpath=imgpath.sub(%r{#{@config[:webprefix]}/../},@config[:webprefix]+'/img/')+val if not divclass.nil? cls=%{ class="#{divclass}"} end return %{#{title}} end def leftblogimage(val,title="no name") return blogimage(val, title, "left") end def lnkto(title,item) language=@item_rep.path.sub(/#{@config[:webprefix]}\//,'').sub(/\/.*$/,'') link_to(title, "#{@config[:webprefix]}/#{language}"+item) end def nextFor(page) depth=depthOf(page) case depth when 0..2 then return nil when 3 then target=getSortedChildren(page)[0] else sorted_children=getSortedChildren(page.parent) index=sorted_children.index(page) target=sorted_children[ index + 1] end return nil if target.nil? link_to(tradOf(:next)+%{ »}, target) end # return the previous page of a post containing many def previousFor(page) case depthOf(page) when 0..3 then return nil when 4 then sorted_children=getSortedChildren(page.parent) index=sorted_children.index(page) if index==0 target=page.parent else target=sorted_children[ index - 1 ] end end return nil if target.nil? link_to(%{« }+tradOf(:previous), target) end def brother_for_at(page,n) brothers=getSortedChildren(page.parent) i=brothers.index(page) if i.nil? return nil end if i + n < 0 return nil end brothers[ i + n ] end def article_brother(n) if depthOf(@item) > 3 page=@item.parent else page=@item end brother_for_at(page,n) end