2010-08-16 12:02:28 +02:00

209 lines
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.. _configure-hub:
The Core Configuration Options
The options below control the MathJax Hub, and so determine the code
behavior of MathJax. They are given with their default values.
.. describe:: jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"]
A comma-separated list of input and output jax to initialize at
startup. Their main code is loaded only when they are actually
used, so it is not inefficient to include jax that may not
actually be used on the page. These are found in the ``MathJax/jax``
.. describe:: extensions: []
A comma-separated list of extensions to load at startup. The
default directory is ``MathJax/extensions``. The ``tex2jax`` and
``mml2jax`` preprocessors can be listed here, as well as a number
of TeX-specific extensions (see the :ref:`TeX and LaTeX input
<tex-and-latex-input>` section of the :ref:`Getting Started
<getting-started>` document for more details). There is also a
``FontWarnings`` extension that you can use to inform your user
that mathematics fonts are available that they can download to
improve their experience of your site.
.. describe:: config: []
A comma-separated list of configuration files to load when MathJax
starts up, e.g., to define local macros, etc., and there is a
sample config file named ``config/local/local.js``. The default
directory is the `MathJax/config` directory. The ``MMLorHTML.js``
configuration is the only other predefined configuration file.
.. describe:: styleSheets: []
A comma-separated list of CSS stylesheet files to be loaded when
MathJax starts up. The default directory is the `MathJax/config`
.. describe:: styles: {}
CSS `selector: rules;` styles to be defined dynamically at startup
.. describe:: preJax: null and postJax: null
Patterns to remove from before and after math script tags. If you
are not using one of the preprocessors, you need to insert
something extra into your HTML file in order to avoid a bug in
Internet Explorer. IE removes spaces from the DOM that it thinks
are redundent, and since a ``<script>`` tag usually doesn't add
content to the page, if there is a space before and after a
MathJax ``<script>`` tag, IE will remove the first space. When
MathJax inserts the typeset mathematics, this means there will be
no space before it and the preceeding text. In order to avoid
this, you should include some "guard characters" before or after
the math SCRIPT tag; define the patterns you want to use below.
Note that these are used as regular expressions, so you will need
to quote special characters. Furthermore, since they are
javascript strings, you must quote javascript special characters
as well. So to obtain a backslash, you must use ``\\`` (doubled
for javascript). For example, ``"\\["`` represents the pattern
``\[`` in the regular expression. That means that if you want an
actual backslash in your guard characters, you need to use
``"\\\\"`` in order to get ``\\`` in the regular expression, and
``\`` in the actual text. If both preJax and postJax are defined,
both must be present in order to be removed.
See also the ``preRemoveClass`` comments below.
``preJax: "\\\\\\\\\"`` makes a double backslash the preJax text
``preJax: "\\[\\[", postJax: "\\]\\]"`` makes it so jax
scripts must be enclosed in double brackets.
.. describe:: preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview"
The CSS class for a math preview to be removed preceeding a
MathJax SCRIPT tag. If the tag just before the MathJax
``<script>`` tag is of this class, its contents are removed when
MathJax processes the ``<script>`` tag. This allows you to
include a math preview in a form that will be displayed prior to
MathJax performing its typesetting. It also avoids the Internet
Explorer space-removal bug, and can be used in place of ``preJax``
and ``postJax`` if that is more convenient.
For example
.. code-block:: html
<span class="MathJax_Preview">[math]</span><script type="math/tex">...</script>
would display "[math]" in place of the math until MathJax is able
to typeset it.
See also the ``preJax`` and ``postJax`` comments above.
.. describe:: showProcessingMessages: true
This value controls whether the `Processing Math: nn%` message are
displayed in the lower left-hand corner. Set to ``false`` to
prevent those messages (though file loading and other messages
will still be shown).
.. describe:: messageStyle: "normal"
This value controls the verbosity of the messages in the lower
left-hand corner. Set it to ``"none"`` to eliminate all messages,
or set it to ``"simple"`` to show "Loading..." and "Processing..."
rather than showing the full file name or the percentage of the
mathematics processed.
.. describe:: displayAlign: "center" and displayIndent: "0em"
These two parameters control the alignment and shifting of
displayed equations. The first can be ``"left"``, ``"center"``,
or ``"right"``, and determines the alignment of displayed
equations. When the alignment is not ``"center"``, the second
determines an indentation from the left or right side for the
displayed equations.
.. describe:: delayStartupUntil: "none"
Normally MathJax will perform its starup commands (loading of
configuration, styles, jax, and so on) as soon as it can. If you
expect to be doing additional configuration on the page, however,
you may want to have it wait until the page's onload hander is
called. If so, set this to ``"onload"``.
.. describe:: skipStartupTypeset: false
Normally MathJax will typeset the mathematics on the page as soon
as the page is loaded. If you want to delay that process, in
which case you will need to call :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Typeset()`
yourself by hand, set this value to ``true``.
.. describe:: menuSettings: { ... }
This block contains settings for the mathematics contextual menu
that act as the defaults for the user's settings in that menu.
The possible values are:
.. describe:: zoom: "none"
This indicates when typeset mathematics should be zoomed. It
can be set to ``"None"``, ``"Hover"``, ``"Click"``, or
``"Double-Click"`` to set the zoom trigger.
.. describe:: CTRL: false, ALT: false, CMD: false, Shift: false
These values indicate which keys must be pressed in order for
math zoom to be triggered. For example, if ``CTRL`` is set to
``true`` and ``zoom`` is ``"Click"``, then math will be zoomed
only when the user control-clicks on mathematics (i.e., clicks
while holding down the `CTRL` key). If more than one is
``true``, then all the indicated keys must be pressed for the
zoom to occur.
.. describe:: zscale: "200%"
This is the zoom scaling factor, and it can be set to any of
the values available in the `Zoom Factor` menu of the
`Settings` submenu of the contextual menu.
.. describe:: context: "MathJax"
This controls what contextual menu will be presented when a
right click (on a PC) or CTRL-click (on the Mac) occurs over a
typeset equation. When set to ``"MathJax"``, the MathJax
contextual menu will appear; when set to ``"Browser"``, the
browser's contextual menu will be used. For example, in
Internet Explorer with the MathPlayer plugin, if this is set
to ``"Browser"``, you will get the MathPlayer contextual menu
rather than the MathJax menu.
There are also settings for ``format``, ``renderer``, and ``font``,
but these are maintained by MathJax and should not be set by the
page author.
.. describe:: errorSettings: { ... }
This block contains settings that control how MathJax responds to
unexpected errors while processing mathematical equations. Rather
than simply crash, MathJax can report an error and go on. The
options you can set include:
.. describe:: message: ["[Math Processing Error"]]
This is an HTML snippet that will be inserted at the location
of the mathematics for any formula that causes MathJax to
produce an internal error (i.e., an error in the MathJax code
itself). See the :ref:`description of HTML snippets
<html-snippets>` for details on how to represent HTML code in
this way.
.. describe:: style: {color:"#CC0000", "font-style":"italic"}
This is the CSS style description to use for the error
messages produced by internal MathJax errors. See the section
on :ref:`CSS style objects <css-style-objects>` for details on
how these are specified in JavaScript.