Yann Esposito 70314df976 Recompiled
2012-05-02 17:43:56 +02:00

19 lines
745 B

branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
st = status
co = checkout
br = branch
lg = log --pretty=oneline --graph
logfull = log --pretty=fuller --graph --stat -p
unstage = reset HEAD
# there should be an article on what this command do
uncommit = !zsh -c '"if (($0)); then nb=$(( $0 - 1 )); else nb=0; fi; i=0; while ((i<=nb)); do git revert -n --no-edit HEAD~$i; ((i++)); done; git commit -m \"revert to $0 version(s) back\""'
undomerge = reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
conflict = !gitk --left-right HEAD...MERGE_HEAD
# under Mac OS X, you should use gitx instead
# conflict = !gitx --left-right HEAD...MERGE_HEAD
autosetupmerge = true