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Higher order function in zsh
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<p><img alt="Title image" src="/Scratch/img/blog/Higher-order-function-in-zsh/main.jpg" /></p>
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<p><span class="sc"><abbr title="Too long; didn't read">tl;dr</abbr>: </span> some simple implementation of higher order function for zsh.</p>
<p>Why is it important to have these functions?
Simply because, the more I programmed with zsh the more I tended to work using functional programming style.</p>
<p>The minimal to have better code are the functions <code>map</code>, <code>filter</code> and <code>fold</code>.</p>
<p>Lets compare.
First a program which convert all gif to png in many different directories of different projects.</p>
<p>Before ⇒</p>
<pre><code class="zsh"># for each directory in projects dir
for toProject in /path/to/projects/*(/N); do
# toProject is /path/to/projects/foo
# project become foo (:t for tail)
for toResource in $toProject/resources/*.gif(.N); do
convert $toResource ${toResource:r}.png &amp;&amp; \
\rm -f $toResource
<li>The <code>(/N)</code> means to select only directory and not to crash if there isnt any.</li>
<li>The <code>(.N)</code> means to select only files and not to crash if there isnt any.</li>
<li>The <code>:t</code> means tail; if <code>toto=/path/to/file.ext</code> then <code>${toto:t}=file.ext</code>.</li>
<p>After ⇒</p>
<pre><code class="zsh">gif_to_png() { convert $1 ${1:r}.png &amp;&amp; \rm -f $1 }
handle_resources() { map gif_to_png $1/resources/*.gif(.N) }
map handle_resources /path/to/projects/*(/N)
<p>No more bloc!
It might be a little bit harder to read if youre not used to functional programming notation.
But it is more concise and robusts.</p>
<p>Another example with some tests.</p>
<p>Find all files in project not containing an <code>s</code> which their name contains their project name:</p>
<p>Before ⇒</p>
<pre><code class="zsh">for toProject in Projects/*; do
if print -- project | grep -v s &gt;/dev/null
print $project
for toResource in $toProject/*(.N); do
if print -- ${toResource:t} | grep $project &gt;/dev/null; then
print -- "X $toResource"
<p>After ⇒</p>
<pre><code class="zsh">contain_no_s() { print $1 | grep -v s }
function verify_file_name {
local project=$1:t
contains_project_name() { print $1:t | grep $project }
map "print -- X" $(filter contains_project_name $1/*(.N))
map verify_file_name $( filter contain_no_s Projects/* )
<p>Also, the first verstion is a bit easier to read.
But the second one is clearly far superior in architecture.
I dont want to argue why here.
Just believe me that the functional programming approach is superior.</p>
<p>Actually I lack the lambda operator.
If someone has an idea on how to create anonymous functions, just tell me, thanks.</p>
<p>Here is the source code:</p>
<div class="codefile"><a href="/Scratch/en/blog/Higher-order-function-in-zsh/code/">&#x27A5;</a></div>
<pre><code class="zsh">#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Provide higer-order functions
# usage:
# $ foo(){print "x: $1"}
# $ map foo a b c d
# x: a
# x: b
# x: c
# x: d
function map {
local func_name=$1
for elem in $@; print -- $(eval $func_name $elem)
# $ bar() { print $(($1 + $2)) }
# $ fold bar 0 1 2 3 4 5
# 15
# -- but also
# $ fold bar 0 $( seq 1 100 )
function fold {
if (($#&lt;2)) {
print -- "ERROR fold use at least 2 arguments" &gt;&amp;2
return 1
if (($#&lt;3)) {
print -- $2
return 0
} else {
local acc
local right
local func_name=$1
local init_value=$2
local first_value=$3
shift 3
right=$( fold $func_name $init_value $@ )
acc=$( eval "$func_name $first_value $right" )
print -- $acc
return 0
# usage:
# $ baz() { print $1 | grep baz }
# $ filter baz titi bazaar biz
# bazaar
function filter {
local predicate=$1
local result
typeset -a result
for elem in $@; do
if eval $predicate $elem &gt;/dev/null; then
result=( $result $elem )
print $result
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Created: 09/28/2011
Modified: 04/26/2012
Entirely done with
<a href="">Vim</a>
<a href="">nanoc</a>
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