2010-08-16 12:02:28 +02:00

140 lines
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.. _configure-FontWarnings:
The FontWarnings extension
The options below control the operation of the `FontWarnings`
extension that is run when you include ``"FontWarnings.js"`` in the
`extensions` array of your configuration. They are listed with their
default values. To set any of these options, include a
``FontWarnings`` section in your :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Config()` call.
For example
.. code-block:: javascript
FontWarnings: {
fadeoutTime: 2*1000
would set the ``fadeoutTime`` option to 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).
.. describe:: messageStyle: { ... }
This sets the CSS styles to be used for the font warning message
window. See the ``extensions/FontWarnings.js`` file for details of
what are set by default. See the :ref:`CSS style objects
<css-style-objects>` for details about how to specify CSS styles
via javascript objects.
.. describe:: Message: { ... }
This block contains HTML snippets to be used for the various
messages that the FontWarning extension can produce. There are
three messages that you can redefine to suit your needs:
.. describe:: webFont: [ ... ]
The message used for when MathJax uses web-based fonts (rather
than local fonts installed on the user's system).
.. describe:: imageFonts: [ ... ]
The message used for when MathJax must use image fonts rather
than local or web-based fonts (for those browsers that don't
handle the ``@font-face`` CSS directive).
.. describe:: noFonts: [ ... ]
The message used when MathJax is unable to find any font to use
(i.e., neither local nor web-based nor image-based fonts are
Any message that is set to ``null`` rather than an HTML snippet
array will not be presented to the user, so you can set, for
example, the ``webFont`` message to ``null`` in order to have the
``imageFonts`` and ``noFonts`` messages, but no message if MathJax
uses web-based fonts.
See the description of :ref:`HTML snippets <html-snippets>` for
details about how to describe the messages using HTML snippets.
Note that in addition to the usual rules for defining such
snippets, the FontWarnings snippets can include references to
pre-defined snippets (that represent elements common to all three
messages). These are defined below in the ``HTML`` block, and are
referenced using ``["name"]`` within the snippet, where `name` is
the name of one of the snippets defined in the ``HTML``
configuration block. For example
.. code-block:: javascript
Message: {
noFonts: [
"MathJax is unable to locate a font to use to display ",
"its mathematics, and image fonts are not available, so it ",
"is falling back on generic unicode characters in hopes that ",
"your browser will be able to display them. Some characters ",
"may not show up properly, or possibly not at all.",
refers to the ``closeBox``, ``fonts`` and ``webfonts`` snippets in
declared in the ``HTML`` section.
.. describe:: HTML: { ... }
This object defines HTML snippets that are common to more than one
message in the ``Message`` section above. They can be called in
by using ``["name"]`` in an HTML snippet, where `name` refers to
the name of the snippet in the ``HTML`` block. The pre-defined
snippets are:
.. describe:: closeBox
The HTML for the close box in the FontWarning message.
.. describe:: webfonts
The HTML for a paragraph suggesting an upgrade to a more
modern browser that supports web fonts.
.. describe:: fonts
HTML that includes links to the MathJax and STIX font download
.. describe:: STIXfonts
HTML that gives the download link for the STIX fonts only.
(Used in place of `fonts` when the `HTML-CSS` option for
`availableFonts` only includes the :term:`STIX` fonts.)
.. describe:: TeXfonts
HTML that gives the download link for the MathJax TeX fonts
only. (Used in place of `fonts` when the `HTML-CSS` option
for `availableFonts` only includes the `TeX` fonts.)
You can add your own pre-defined HTML snippets to this object, or
override the ones that are there with your own text.
.. describe:: removeAfter: 12*1000
This is the amount of time to show the FontWarning message, in
milliseconds. The default is 12 seconds.
.. describe:: fadeoutSteps: 10
This is the number of steps to take while fading out the
FontWarning message. More steps make for a smoother fade-out.
.. describe:: fadeoutTime: 1.5*1000
This is the time used to perform the fade-out, in milliseconds.
The default is 1.5 seconds.