2010-08-16 12:02:28 +02:00

177 lines
5.8 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<HTML xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
<TITLE>MathJax Test Page</TITLE>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Design Science, Inc. -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="X-UA-Compatible" CONTENT="IE=EmulateIE7" >
<SCRIPT SRC="../MathJax.js">
// Do NOT use this page as a template for your own pages. It includes
// code that is needed for testing your site's installation of MathJax,
// and that should not be used in normal web pages. Use sample.html as
// the example for how to call MathJax in your own pages.
extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"],
styles: {".MathJax_Preview": {visibility: "hidden"}},
Augment: {
Font: {
loadError: function (font) {
MathJax.Message.Set("Can't load web font TeX/",null,2000);
document.getElementById("noWebFont").style.display = "";
firefoxFontError: function (font) {
MathJax.Message.Set("Firefox can't load web fonts from a remote host",null,3000);
document.getElementById("ffWebFont").style.display = "";
(function (HUB) {
Firefox: 3.0,
Opera: 9.52,
MSIE: 6.0,
Chrome: 0.3,
Safari: 2.0,
Konqueror: 4.0,
Unknown: 10000.0 // always disable unknown browsers
if (!HUB.Browser.versionAtLeast(MINVERSION[HUB.Browser]||0.0)) {
HUB.config.jax = []; // don't load any Jax
HUB.config.extensions = []; // don't load any extensions
alert("The browser you are using does not support MathJax, " +
"so we can't test if MathJax is working.\n\n"+
"Please try a different browser, or a newer version of your browser.");
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End",function () {
var HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"];
if (MAIN.version < 2) {
document.getElementById("version").innerHTML = MAIN.version;
} else if (HTMLCSS.imgFonts) {
alert("The browser you are using does not seem to support web-based " +
"fonts, so we can't test the MathJax web fonts with this browser " +
"(image fonts have been used instead)\n\n" +
"Please try a different browser, or a newer version of your browser.");
<DIV STYLE="color:#CC0000; text-align:center">
<B>Warning: <A HREF="">MathJax</A>
requires JavaScript to process the mathematics on this page.<BR>
If your browser supports JavaScript, be sure it is enabled.<B>
| <DIV STYLE="float:right; width:auto; margin-top:.5em">
| <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Check for Updates" ONCLICK="CheckVersion()">
| </DIV>
<H1>MathJax Test Page</H1>
If you see typeset mathematics below, then MathJax is working. If you see
TeX code instead, MathJax is not working for you.
<DIV STYLE="color:green">
<DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:red; font-size:120%" CLASS="MathJax_Preview">
MathJax is not working!
</DIV><SCRIPT TYPE="math/tex; mode=display">
\bf MathJax\ Appears\ to\ be\ Working!
<DIV ID="noWebFont" STYLE="display:none; color:red">
<B>WARNING</B>: The web fonts don't seem to be available. Be sure you have
downloaded and installed the latest MathJax-webfonts ZIP file from
<A HREF=""></A>
before continuing. If you fail to install these fonts, MathJax will not
work properly with some browsers. If you can't install the image fonts,
be sure to set the noImageFonts parameter in your MathJax configuration
(either MathJax/config/MathJax.js, or the MathJax.Hub.Config() call in
your web page).
<DIV ID="ffWebFont" STYLE="display:none; color:red">
<B>WARNING</B>: Your MathJax web fonts seem to be version <SPAN ID="version">1</SPAN>
rather than version 2. Be sure you have downloaded and installed the latest
MathJax-webfonts ZIP file from
<A HREF=""></A>
before continuing. Failure to install the new versions of the fonts will
mean that the data MathJax is using will not match the fonts, and so
display errors will occur. You can probably see this in the equation
above: the radial will be out of place.
<DIV ID="webfonts" STYLE="display:none; color:red">
<B>WARNING</B>: You are trying to load MathJax from a remote site where the
web-based fonts are not set up to be shipped to Firefox properly. See the
<A HREF="">discussion
of Firefox's same-origin policy</A> on the MathJax SourceForge site.
Once you have MathJax working properly, view the <A
HREF="index-images.html">image mode test page</A> to make sure that the
image fallback mode is working as well.