Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 219937b6c9 Regen
2012-01-18 14:28:01 +01:00

97 lines
2.8 KiB

kind: blog
title: Blog
menupriority: 2
noSubMenu: true
last_articles = do |a|
a.reps[0].path =~ /\/#{language}\// && a[:kind] == 'article'
last_articles=last_articles.sort { |x,y| y[:created_at] <=> x[:created_at] }[0..(number_of_articles-1)]
def dArr
return %{<span class="nicer">&dArr;</span>}
<ul class="sameline">
<li> <a href="#popular-articles">Popular Articles <%=dArr%></a> </li>
<li> <a href="#last-articles"><%= number_of_articles %> Latest Articles <%=dArr%></a> </li>
<li> <a href="#tagcloud">Tag Cloud <%=dArr%></a></li>
<li> <a href="#archives">Achives <%=dArr%></a></li>
<li> <a href="#two-words-about-the-content">Two words about the content <%=dArr%></a></li>
<div class="flush"></div>
<h2 id="popular-articles">
Popular Articles
<a href="/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/">
<img class="left" src="/Scratch/img/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/uber_leet_use_vim.jpg" alt="Ü83R 1337 use Vim!"/>
<h2 style="display:block;margin-top: 3em">Learn Vim Progressively <span class="nicer">»</span></h2>
<div class="flush"></div>
<h2 id="last-articles">
Last <%= number_of_articles %> Articles
<% last_articles.each do |a| %>
<div class="resumearticle">
<h1> <%= calendar_for( a[:created_at], language ) %>
<%= link_to(a[:title]+%{ <span class="nicer">»</span>}, a) %> </h1>
<div class="corps">
<%= repair_html ( excerptize( a.reps[0].compiled_content, {:length => number_of_char_for_resume} ) ) %>
<div class="flush"></div>
<%= link_to(%{Read more <span class="nicer">»</span>}, a) %>
<% end %>
<div class="corps">
<%= tagCloud %>
<h2 id="archives">Archives</h2>
<%= generateBlogSubMenu(language) %>
<h2 id="two-words-about-the-content">
Two words about the content
<div class="corps">
Here you'll can find mostly technical articles.
Some are just reminder of technical tips.
But some are long and technically detailled articles.
I do my best to traduce each page in French and in English.
It is not always easy as English is not my natural language.
I used to make many errors, orthographic, grammatical, typographical&hellip;
<strong> Thanks not to judge me based on these errors! And don't forget content is more important than presentation! </strong>
The first impression I'll let you if we meet in real life should be different from the one I let you based on my website.
I wish you to find something useful or interesting on this website.