2010-02-17 13:27:01 +01:00

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# Custom
# isHidden: true
kind: article
menupriority: 1
date: 2009-08-17T14:00:00+02:00
title: Git remote branch creation
fr: Création de branches avec Git
en: Git branch Creation
fr: J'utilise Git pour synchroniser des projets personnels. C'est pourquoi quand je crée une branche locale je souhaite quasiment toujours qu'elle soit aussi créée en <em>externe</em> (remote).<br/>Voici le script que j'utilise pour accomplir cette tâche ...
en: I use git to synchronize personnal projects. Therefore, most of time, when I create a local branch I want it to be created remotely.<br/>Here is the script I use to achieve that&hellip;
- git
- branch
- local
- remote
## easiest remote Git branch creation
I use git simply to synchronize stuff for personnal projects.
Therefore, when I create a local branch I want most of time this
branch to be created remotely.
Here is the script I use to achieve that:
<code class="zsh" file="">
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
if (($#<1)); then
print -- "usage: $0:t branch_name" >&2
exit 1
git br ${branch}
git co ${branch}
git config branch.${branch}.remote origin
git config branch.${branch}.merge refs/heads/${branch}
Of course, I suppose <code>origin</code> is already configured.