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Welcome on my personnal website.

Here are the begining of my 5 last blog posts.

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approximatively the 800 first characters.

3 Jan 2011 Why I sadly won't use CoffeeScript »

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tl;dr: I tried CoffeeScript. In the end there was more inconvenients than advantages to its use.

Recently I read this entry on HackerNews. The most upvoted comment praised CoffeeScript. Recently I used a lot of javascript. After trying Sroutcore, Cappuccino, backbone.js &

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1 Jan 2011 Happy New Year »

Happy New Year!


I was busy during the last months. But I will revive a bit this blog.

I made a project to write book in markdown syntax and generating HTML and high quality PDF. I am not finished with this.

I had written an efficient & simplistic MVC javascript framework.

Have a safe & productive Year.
May be in the end you should get the cake.


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26 Oct 2010 LaTeX like macro for markdown »

tl;dr: I made a simple macro system for my blog. Now I juste have to write %latex and it show as LaTeX.

In the header of my files I simply write:


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14 Oct 2010 Fun with wav »

tl;dr: Played to process a wav file. C was easier and cleaner than Ruby.

edit: I wanted this program to work only on one specific machine (a x86 on a 32 bit Ubuntu). Therefore I didn’t had any portability consideration. This is only a hack.

I had to compute the sum of the absolute values of data of a .wav file. For efficiency (and fun) reasons, I had chosen C language.

I didn’t programmed in C for a long time. From my memory it was a pain to read and write to files. But in the end I was really impressed by the code I get. It was really clean. This is even more impressive knowi...

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10 Oct 2010 Secure eMail on Mac in few steps »

Title image

tl;dr: on Mac

  • Get a certificate signed by a CA: click here for a free one,
  • open the file,
  • delete securely the file,
  • use Mail instead of online gmail.
  • ???
  • Profit

I’ve (re)discovered how to become S/MIME compliant. I am now suprised how easy it was. Some years ago it was far more difficult. Now I’m able to sign and encrypt my emails.

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tag cloud (shorter than 20 words))

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Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Modified: 11/02/2010
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
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