Yogsototh's last blogs entries 2011-08-17T22:28:20Z Yann Esposito,2011-08-17:/Scratch/en/blog/Efficient-Vim-knowledge/ Efficient Vim knowledge 2011-08-17T22:28:20Z 2011-08-17T22:28:20Z <p><img alt="Über leet use vim!" src="/Scratch/img/blog/Efficient-Vim-knowledge/uber_leet_use_vim.jpg" /></p> <div class="intro"> <p><span class="sc"><abbr title="Too long; don't read">tl;dr</abbr>: </span> Want to learn vim (the best text editor known to human kind) the fastest way possible. I suggest you a way.</p> </div> <p><a href="">Vim</a> the Six Billion Dollar editor</p> <blockquote> <p>Better, Stronger, Faster.</p> </blockquote> <p>Learn <a href="">vim</a> and it will be your last text editor. There isn&rsquo;t any better text editor I know. Hard to learn, but it will pay a billion times.</p> <p>I suggest you to learn it in 4 steps:</p> <ol> <li>Survive</li> <li>Feel comfortable</li> <li>Feel Better, Stronger, Faster</li>...</ol></p>