----- isHidden: false menupriority: 1 kind: article created_at: 2010-06-15T10:56:32+02:00 title: Get my blog engine author_name: Yann Esposito author_uri: yannesposito.com tags: - blog - nanoc ----- I published a *light* version of my blog engine based on [nanoc](http://nanoc.stoneship.org) yesterday night. By *light*, I mean a lighter, more portable CSS (without round border). You can get it on [github.com](http://github.com/yogsototh/nanoc3_blog). What this system provide? * All [nanoc](http://nanoc.stoneship.org) advantages, * Easy multi-language handling, * Syntax Coloration for most languages, * [intenseDebate](http://intensedebate.org) comments integration (asynchronous) ; * Portable with and without javascript, XHTML Strict 1.0 / CSS3, * Write in markdown format (no HTML editing needed), * Typographic ameliorations (no ':' starting a line in French for example), * [Graphviz](http://graphviz.org) graph generation integration. newcorps # Main Documentation Page # Use It NOW! Once installed (follow the README.md instructions). $ cd /root/of/nanoc3_blog $ ./task/new_blog_entry Title of the blog $ vi latest.md $ ./task/recompile Now your website reside into the `output` directory. newcorps # Documentation ## Useful things to know ### Multi-language All files in `multi` are processed and copied in the `content` directory. For each file in multi, each line starting by '`fr: `' are copied (without the `fr: ` into the `content/html/fr/` tree, but not into the `content/html/en` tree. File not starting by `fr: ` or `en: ` are copied in each destinations. If you want to add another language, you'll have to modify `tasks/config`, and `config.yaml`, create a `content/html/xx` where `xx` is the language code. ### Edition & Rendering #### additional keywords You can separate multi content div using the: `n``ewcorps` directive (see examples). You can create div using `b``egindiv(classname)`, `e``nddiv`. (See some existing blog entries for example). Use the class `intro` for the abstract part. You can create nice description table using `<``desc>` (See source code for example). #### Typography In French all ':', ';', '!' and '?' are preceded automatically by ` `. This enable not to have a line starting by a single special character. You can use small caps using `` tags. * `(c``)` is replaced by (c). * `(r``)` is replaced by (r). * `<``-` is replaced by <-. * `-``>` is replaced by ->. #### source code To write source code you should use the following format: The code The `file` attribute is not required. ### blog If you want to make really long blog post, you can separate them into many files. To accomplish that, you simply have to make your files like:
### mobileme All files are intended to be generated into the `output/Scratch` directory. This was made like that to work nicely with iWeb organisation of websites. ### menu The order of post is done using the `menupriority` meta-data in the header of the files. You can hide some file from the menu by setting: `isHidden: true` in the header. ## Details To know more about this blog engine, you should look at [nanoc](http://nanoc.stoneship.org) project. Then look at the files inside your project: README.md : readme for the project (used by github) :: latest.md : symbolic link to the last blog entry :: multi/ : Directory containing multi-language articles :: tasks/ : scripts for website live :: config.yaml : global configuration file :: Rules : generation rules :: content/ : content files processed by nanoc :: layouts/ : erb templates :: lib/ : ruby libraries used to process files :: output/ : website :: Rakefile : not mandatory for this blog ::