----- kind: article menupriority: 1 created_at: 2009-08-04T19:00:00+02:00 title: A try to demystify 'Lost Highway' author_name: Yann Esposito author_uri: yannesposito.com subtitle: introduction tags: - movie - David Lynch - Lost Highway - alternate reality ----- blogimage( 'intro.jpg' , 'Lost Highway' )
...this movie must be watched knowing you'll cannot resolve the solution. At his best you'll can suggest an interpretation close to the one of David Lynch.
I believe I had found a coherent interpretation which allow to follow the movie without being totally lost. I believed it can give the keys necessary to make its own idea of the movie...
Lost Higway is a really good movie. You keep watching it event it seem totally obscure. This is one of the strength of David Lynch. The first time I watched Lost Highway, I was a bit lost. Here some of explanations of Lost Highway I found on the Internet: - Fred make a pact with the devil incarnated by the *Mysterious Man*, - *Mysterious Man* is a video camera, - Just the first part of the story is real. The rest is in the Fred's imagination, and I don't speak about many point of view found in forums. I finished to find two good site talking about this movie. But none of them still totally convinced me: - the first is [mediacircus](http://www.mediacircus.net/lh.html), - the second which state almost the same interpretation about the movie and explain with even more details is on [jasonweb](http://www.jasonsweb.com/LostHighway/main.htm) Nonetheless, this movie must be watched knowing you'll cannot resolve the solution. At his best you'll can suggest an interpretation close to the one of David Lynch. I believe I had found a coherent interpretation which allow to follow the movie **without being totally lost**. I believed it can give the keys necessary to make its own idea of the movie. ## The Rorschach test leftblogimage('rorschach.gif' , 'test de Rorschach') Like the protagonist, everybody see what he want to see in this movie. It is an invitation to think. Watch this movie is a little like watch a Rorschach's test. What do we see in it? Everybody put its own personnality in the interpretation of the movie. - If you are mystic, you'll see in the mysterious man a devil, - If you are more psychanalytics, you'll see an inconscient part of the protagonist... Generally, we stay in this movie and we fail explaining everything. There is almost always a point that don't fit within the interpretation of the movie. This is why trying to find a unique good interpretation of this movie is a mistake. ## Interprétation ≠ Explanation I give an **interpretation** and not an **explanation**. Just to tell my vision of the movie should be very different from yours. There is certainly many coherent explanations. I write this post because I believe I had found an interpretation which seems coherent for most of the movie.