----- title: Welcome noSubMenu: true ----- <% number_of_articles=5 number_of_char_for_resume=800 language=@item_rep.path.sub(/\/Scratch\//,'').sub(/\/.*$/,'') last_articles = articles.select do |a| a.reps[0].path =~ /\/#{language}\// end last_articles=last_articles.sort { |x,y| y[:created_at] <=> x[:created_at] }[0..(number_of_articles-1)] %>

Welcome on my personnal website.

Here are my <%= number_of_articles %> last posts begining.

You can also search the entries with tag cloud

† approximatively the <%= number_of_char_for_resume %> first characters.

<% last_articles.each do |a| %>

<%= calendar_for(a[:created_at], language) %> <%= link_to(a[:title], a) %>

<%= repair_html ( excerptize( a.reps[0].compiled_content, {:length => number_of_char_for_resume} ) ) %>

<%= link_to("Read more →", a) %>

<% end %>
↑ back to top ↑

tag cloud (2 or more posts only)

<%= tagCloud(2) %>
newcorps This left bottom button get you on the top of page and open the menu.