Presentation drawing

Curriculum Vitæ

Professional background

from 2007 Airfrance consultant, Astek, Sophia Antipolis, France
2006-2007 Post PhD in the Laboratory Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France
2004-2006 ATER, (College Degree Teacher)
2001-2004 Allocataire Moniteur (PhD student with a grant + a teach grant)
1999-2000 College degree teaching


2004 PhD Degree in computer science in the LIF, Université de Provence, Marseille (France)
2001 DEA in computer science
2000 Maîtrise in computer science
1999 Licence in computer science
1998 DEUG MIAS (Math)
1995 BAC S

Research activities


  • Machine Learning,
  • Data Mining,
  • Grammatical Inference

studied objects

  • Markov chains,
  • Hidden Markov Models,
  • Multiplicity Automata,
  • Weighted Transducer,
  • Tree Weighted Automata,
  • Tree Edit Distance

main theoretical results

  • Multiplicity Automata Algorithm which identifie the class of rational stocastic languages in the limit with probability one,
  • The problem to know whether an MA generates a probabilistic distribution is undecidable (was left open in Probabilistic Automata, Azaria Paz, 1977),
  • Algorithm of identification in the limit with probability one of some subclass of non deterministic HMM



SEDiL: Software aimed to learn tree edit distances. Developped in JAVA (11.000 lines with javadoc comments) ;

main features:

  • edition operations cost matrix learning,
  • tree or string edit distance computation,
  • tree and strings visualisation,
  • classification using the K nearest neighbor algorithm,
  • Tree pairs generation,


DEES: Software of Multiplicity Automata inference written in C++ (7.500 lines, 10.000 with comments) ;

Main features:

  • Multiplicity Automata Inference,
  • Probabilistic Automata Inference (Hidden Markov Model Inference ; learn Parameters and Structure),
  • Deterministic Probabilistic Automata Inference
  • Baum Welch Algorithm (learn parameter of an HMM from a sample),
  • GraphViz export,
  • Sample generation from an MA,
  • And many others...

Scientific Publications

International Journal [Fundamenta Informaticæ, 2008] [Pattern Recognition, 2004]
French Journal [JEDAI 2003]
International conferences [ECML 2008] [ICGI 2006] [COLT 2006] [COLT 2004] [ICALP 2003] [ICGI 2002]
Conférences nationales [CAp'06] [CAp'04] [CAp'03]
Workshop [TAGI'05]
PhD Thesis [Université de Provence 2004]


Computer languages
  • Perl,
  • Ruby,
  • Awk,
  • Python,
  • Java,
  • C++,
  • C,
  • Objective-C,
  • PHP,
  • scripts shell (zsh et bash),
  • LaTeX, ConTeXt, Metapost
  • CamL
  • HTML,
  • XHTML,
  • CSS,
  • SVG,
  • PHP,
  • MySQL,
  • PostGreSQL
Computer Networks
  • Ethernet,
  • TCP/IP,
  • UDP,
  • DHCP,
  • DNS,
  • tcpdump,
  • ethereal,
  • VPN
  • Encryption,
  • PGP, GPG,
  • Anonymous Networks,
  • Network security
Project Management
  • UML,
  • Merise,
  • SVN,
  • CVS
  • System V,
  • POSIX,
  • STL (C++),
  • Cocoa (Mac OS X)
  • Entreprise Miner (SAS),
  • Weka,
  • Quartz Composer
Learning Methods
  • Attribute selection,
  • Naïve Bayes,
  • Decision Tree,
  • K nearest neighboor,
  • Markov Chains (bigrams, trigrams...),
  • Hidden Markov Models (HMM),
  • Neural Network (Multilayer Perceptron),
  • SVM,
  • Boosting


Network Project

I have done with Emmanuel Godard the conception of an anonymous network protocol (- in french -).

Mac Softwares

I've done some Mac sofwares. Such as screen saver using Quartz Composer, Dashboard widgets and Objective-C.


You can see details on how I did this website.

Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Modified: 09/28/2010
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
Validation [xhtml] . [css] . [rss]