Presentation drawing


Welcome on my personnal website.

Here are the begining of my 5 last blog posts.

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approximatively the 800 first characters.

26 Oct 2010 LaTeX like macro for markdown »

tl;dr: I made a simple macro system for my blog. Now I juste have to write %latex and it show as LaTeX.

In the header of my files I simply write:


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14 Oct 2010 Fun with wav »

tl;dr: Played to process a wav file. C was easier and cleaner than Ruby.

edit: I wanted this program to work only on one specific machine (a x86 on a 32 bit Ubuntu). Therefore I didn’t had any portability consideration. This is only a hack.

I had to compute the sum of the absolute values of data of a .wav file. For efficiency (and fun) reasons, I had chosen C language.

I didn’t programmed in C for a long time. From my memory it was a pain to read and write to files. But in the end I was really impressed by the code I get. It was really clean. This is even more impressive knowi...

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10 Oct 2010 Secure eMail on Mac in few steps »

Title image

tl;dr: on Mac

  • Get a certificate signed by a CA: click here for a free one,
  • open the file,
  • delete securely the file,
  • use Mail instead of online gmail.
  • ???
  • Profit

I’ve (re)discovered how to become S/MIME compliant. I am now suprised how easy it was. Some years ago it was far more difficult. Now I’m able to sign and encrypt my emails.

Why is it important?

Signing: it t...

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6 Oct 2010 New Blog Design Constraints »

I changed the design of my blog. Now it should be far cleaner. I believe I use no CSS3 feature and far less javascript. Of course before my website was perfectly browsable without javascript. Unfortunately some CSS3 feature are not mature enough on some browser. For more details you can read my older blog entry. But the major problem came from, font-shadow and gradients. Then my new design obey to the following rules:

I hope the new design please you.

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2 Sep 2010 Use git to calculate trusted mtimes »

You can remark at the bottom of each page I provide a last modification date. This label was first calculated using the mtime of the file on the file system. But many times I modify this date just to force some recompilation. Therefore the date wasn’t a date of real modification.

I use git to version my website. And fortunately I can know the last date of real change of a file. This is how I do this with nanoc:

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tag cloud (shorter than 20 words))

Feel free to contact me.
Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Modified: 11/02/2010
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
Validation [xhtml] . [css] . [rss]