class MPost < Nanoc3::Filter identifier :mpost @@tmp="/tmp/mp/" @@name=["Zero","One","Two","Three"] def solarized(str) str.gsub( %r{base0([0123])},'base'+@@name[0]+@@name[$1.to_i] ).gsub( %r{base([0123])},'base'+@@name[$1.to_i] ).gsub( %{red},'s_red' ).gsub( %{blue},'s_blue' ).gsub( %{green},'s_green' ) end def run(content, params={}) content.gsub(%r{(.+?)}m) do |full| title=$2 str=$3 filename=title.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/,"_") # write the mp file using the code'lib/') code<<=%{beginfig(1) drawoptions (withcolor base01);} code <<= str code <<= %{\nendfig;\nbye;\n} # create the directory to compile metapost files FileUtils.mkdir_p(@@tmp) # write the code into a temporary file'.mp','w') do |f| f.write solarized(code) end # write the URL of the image imgurl=@item.path + 'mpost/' + filename + '.png' # We compile only if the source changed if not (File.exists?(@@tmp+filename+'.old') and FileUtils.cmp(@@tmp+filename+'.mp', @@tmp+filename+'.old')) then print %{\t[mpost] updating: #{filename}} fspath=FileUtils.pwd+'/output'+imgurl # create the directory for the output file FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fspath)) # Launch the metapost compilation and update # the cache in case of success cmd="cd #{@@tmp} && mpost #{filename}.mp >/dev/null 2>&1 && convert -density 180 #{filename}.1 #{fspath} >/dev/null" if system(cmd) if FileUtils.copy(@@tmp+filename+'.mp',@@tmp+filename+'.old') puts " [SUCCESS]" else puts " [ERROR: couldn't copy]" end else puts " [ERROR: compilation error; check #{@@tmp}#{filename}.log ]" end end # replace the code by the image %{
} end end end