----- # Built-in filters_pre: - erb # Custom title: Curriculum Vitæ multiTitle: fr: Curriculum Vitæ en: Resume multiSubTitle: fr: résumé rapide en: Short Abstract menupriority: 1 -----
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Professional background

from 2007 : Airfrance consultant, Astek, Sophia Antipolis, France :: 2006-2007 : Post PhD in the Laboratory Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France :: 2004-2006 : ATER, (College Degree Teacher) :: 2001-2004 : Allocataire Moniteur (PhD student with a grant + a teach grant) :: 1999-2000 : College degree teaching :: newcorps


2004 : PhD Degree in computer science in the LIF, Université de Provence, Marseille (France) :: 2001 : DEA in computer science :: 2000 : Maîtrise in computer science :: 1999 : Licence in computer science :: 1998 : DEUG MIAS (Math) :: 1995 : BAC S :: newcorps

Research activities


studied objects

main theoretical results



SEDiL: Software aimed to learn tree edit distances. Developped in JAVA (11.000 lines with javadoc comments) ;

main features:


DEES: Software of Multiplicity Automata inference written in C++ (7.500 lines, 10.000 with comments) ;

Main features:


Scientific Publications

International Journal : [Fundamenta Informaticæ, 2008] [Pattern Recognition, 2004] :: French Journal : [JEDAI 2003] :: International conferences : [ECML 2008] [ICGI 2006] [COLT 2006] [COLT 2004] [ICALP 2003] [ICGI 2002] :: Conférences nationales : [CAp'06] [CAp'04] [CAp'03] :: Workshop : [TAGI'05] :: PhD Thesis : [Université de Provence 2004] :: newcorps


Computer languages : :: WEB : :: Computer Networks : :: Security : :: Project Management : :: API : :: Software : :: Learning Methods : :: newcorps


Network Project

I have done with Emmanuel Godard the conception of an anonymous network protocol (- in french -).

Mac Softwares

I've done some Mac sofwares. Such as screen saver using Quartz Composer, Dashboard widgets and Objective-C.


<%= lnkto("You can see details on how I did this website","/about/technical_details"); %>.