Presentation drawing

New Blog Design Constraints

I changed the design of my blog. Now it should be far cleaner. I believe I use no CSS3 feature and far less javascript. Of course before my website was perfectly browsable without javascript. Unfortunately some CSS3 feature are not mature enough on some browser. For more details you can read my older blog entry. But the major problem came from, font-shadow and gradients. Then my new design obey to the following rules:

  • no CSS element begining by ‘-moz’ or ‘-webkit’, etc…,
  • no text shadow,
  • clean (I mean delete) most javascript.

I hope the new design please you.


Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Created: 10/06/2010 Modified: 10/07/2010
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
Validation [xhtml] . [css] . [rss]