def tradOf(keyword) language=@item.path language.match('/Scratch/(..)') language=$1 tradOfKeywordIn(keyword, language ) end def tradOfKeywordIn(keyword, language) begin @config[:translations][keyword][language.intern] rescue if @config[:translations].nil? puts %{ERROR (lib/multi.rb) Please make a 'translations' hash table in config.yaml} elsif @config[:translations][keyword].nil? puts %{ERROR (lib/multi.rb) in config.yaml, in the 'translations' hash, I can't find the keyword #{keyword}} elsif @config[:translations][keyword][language.intern].nil? puts %{ERROR (lib/multi.rb) in config.yaml, in the 'translations' hash, I can't find the translation in #{language} for the keyword #{keyword}} else puts %{ERROR (lib/multi.rb) erreur inconnue} end return '[Sorry Translation Error]' end end def item_of_language(language) searched_path=@item_rep.path.sub(@conf.language,language) # puts %{source path = #{@item_rep.path}, searched_path = #{searched_path}} @items.find { |i| i.reps[0].path == searched_path } end