----- # Built-in filters_pre: - "bluecloth" # Custom kind: article menupriority: 3 title: MVC explained (first design cleaning) multiTitle: fr: first design cleaning en: first design cleaning ----- ## first design cleaning ## If you want your applications to generate strict XHTML 1.0 web pages you have to modify your application to put the content between an *header* and a *footer*. Naturally, You write directly the header and footer in the source code of the application. You also want to initialize with some tasks. And in order to prepare the future, you separate the server code from you todo list code. Then you write a specifical class for the two *features* of your application. Your new code will look like:
class Todo def content Print the content of the list ... todo = new Todo HEADER="<... code HTML ...>" FOOTER="<... code HTML ...>" Class Server def do_GET return HEADER + (todo.content) + FOOTER server = new Server server.start # and for each GET request execute do_GET
Here are the details of the modified code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'webrick' include WEBrick s = HTTPServer.new( :Port => 2000 ) class Todo def initialize @todoList=['first task','second task'] end def content res='


' return res end end class Servlet # you write the common header and footer of all pages # directly in the source code @@Header=' Todo Application
' @@Footer='
' @@Todo=Todo.new def do_GET(req, res) res.body = @@Header + @@Todo.content + @@Footer res['Content-Type'] = "text/html" end end servlet=Servlet.new s.mount("/"){ |req,res| server.do_GET(req,res) } trap("INT"){ s.shutdown } s.start
For now your application isn't functionnal. But it's great, you can print your todo list. We just have to add content at runtime now.