How to preload your site with style


Here is a live example of what appear while loading my pages.

Hello! I've finished loading!

Click me to see me disapear again.

Loading... loading logo

I first tried to integrate queryLoader, but it didn’t fill my needs.

The plugin add a black div to hide all the content. But as the script had to be launched at the end of the source code my website show for a small time.

In order to hide this small artefact, here is how I do that.


In a first time, I added at the top of the body the div hiding all the content.

<div id="blackpage">
    content to display during the loading.

and here is the associated CSS to #blackpage:

  top: 0 
  left: 0 
  width: 100%
  height: 100%
  margin-left: 0
  margin-right: 0
  margin-top: 0
  margin-bottom: 0
  position: absolute
  text-align: center
  color: #666
  padding-top: 10em
  background-color: #eee
  z-index: 9000

and the associated jQuery code:


Yes, it is as simple as that. And, putting the #blackpage div at the top of my page, I ensure to hide anything while loading.

I hope it had helped you!


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Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Created: 10/03/2009 Modified: 04/20/2011
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc