Presentation drawing


4 Oct 2011 Yesod excellent ideas »

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I follows the yesod web framework for some times now. And I believe it reached the point where you should really consider to use it. But instead of telling you why you should learn Haskell and use yesod, I prefer to talk about new ideas used by yesod I didn’t saw in other frameworks.

  1. Type safety

    One of the main source of error and time loose with web technologies are all problems linked to cross scripting, sql injection, etc… A link to an obligatory XKCD:

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28 Sep 2011 Programming Language Experience »

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tl;dr: My short and higly subjective feelings about programming languages I used.


Title image The language of my firsts programs! I was about 10, with an MO5 and Amstrad CPC 6128 and even with my Atari STe. This is the language of GOTOs. Ô nostalgia. Unfortunately this might be the only interesting part of this language.

Today this language is obsolescent. It is not even good to learn programming...

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25 Aug 2011 Learn Vim Progressively »

Über leet use vim!

tl;dr: Want to learn vim (the best text editor known to human kind) the fastest way possible. I suggest you a way. Start by learning the minimal to survive, then integrate slowly all tricks.

Vim the Six Billion Dollar editor

Better, Stronger, Faster.

Learn vim and it will be your last text editor. There isn’t any better text editor I know. Hard to learn, but incredible to use.

I suggest you to learn it in 4 steps:

  1. Survive
  2. ...

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18 May 2011 40 character's passwords »

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tl;dr: How I manage safely my password with success for some years now.
sha1( password + domain_name )
I memorize only one password. I use a different password on all website.

Disclamer, this is an unashamed attempt to make you download my iPhone app ;-). You’re always here? Even if you won’t download my app, you should read more. My method doesn’t necessitate my app. It is both safe and easy to use everyday.

If you just want to use the tools without searching to understand why it is safe, just jump at the

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Two words about the content

Here you'll can find mostly technical articles. Some are just reminder of technical tips. But some are long and technically detailled articles.

I do my best to traduce each page in french and in english. It not always easy. English is not my natural language. I make many errors, orthographic, grammatical, typographical…

Thanks not to judge me based on these errors! And don't forget content is more important than presentation!

The first impression I'll let you if we meet in real life should be different from the one I let you based on my website.

I wish you to find something useful or interesting on this website.

Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Modified: 05/30/2011
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
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