----- ----- <% # -- init variables -- class LocalConf attr_accessor :blog, :article, :languages, :language, :indent def to_s instance_variables.map{ |x| if instance_variable_get(x).class == Array %{#{x.intern}= [#{instance_variable_get(x).join(', ')}]} else %{#{x.intern}= #{instance_variable_get(x)}} end } end end conf=LocalConf.new language=@item_rep.path.sub(/\/Scratch\//,'').sub(/\/.*$/,'') conf.language=language # the current item is an article article=( ( not @item[:kind].nil? ) && @item[:kind] == 'article' ) conf.article=article # the current item is a blog entry page blog=( ( not @item[:kind].nil? ) && @item[:kind] == 'blog' ) conf.blog=blog # all supported languages languages=@config[:languages] conf.languages=languages self.instance_variable_set(:@conf, conf) # puts '--- conf ---' # puts conf.to_s %> <% @conf.languages.collect do |lang| %> <% end %> <%= @item[:title] %>
<%= tradOf(:langue) %>
    <% languages.each do |l| %>
  • <%= l %>
  • <% end %>
<% if article %> <%= puts %{generateMenuForBlog} %> <% else %> <%= generateMenu %> <% end %>

<%= @item[:title] %>

<% unless @item[:subtitle].nil? %>

<%= @item[:subtitle] %>

<% end %>
<% if @item[:content_for_summary] %>
<% @item[:content_for_summary] %>
<% end %> <%= puts %{generateSubMenuFor} %>
<%= yield %>
<% if article %> <% if depthOf(@item) == 3 %>
<% end %>

<%= tradOf(:comment) %>

<%= generateIntenseDebateThread %>
<% end %>
<%= tradOf(:entirely_done_with) %> Vim <%= tradOf(:and) %> nanoc
Validation [xhtml] . [css] . [rss]
<%=tradOf(:copyright) %>
<%=tradOf(:last_modified)%>: <%= @item.mtime.strftime(@config[:dateFormat][language.intern]) %>