----- # Built-in filters_pre: - erb - bluecloth # Custom # menu title: Technical details multiTitle: fr: Détails techniques en: Technical details multiSubTitle: fr: Comment ce site vie. en: How live this website. menupriority: 3 ----- This website was completely made from scratch. Most is done using [Vim](http://www.vim.org) and I generate pages using [nanoc](http://nanoc.stoneship.org).

Pictures were done with Inkscape and Gimp. My website is versionned using the DCVS Git.

Blog comments are externalized to [disqus](http://disqus.com) [intense debate](http://intensedebate.com). All I need is a static web server, no PHP, Java, ASP or CGI. Main advantages of this method concerns the load and the security of the server.

If you didn't understood anything, just remember I used only Opensource and I mostly all done myself from scratch.

If you want all the gory details I suggest you to read my <%= lnkto( "article about nanoc", "/blog/nanoc") %>.