----- kind: article menupriority: 2 created_at: 2009-08-04T19:00:00+02:00 title: A try to demystify 'Lost Highway' author_name: Yann Esposito author_uri: yannesposito.com subtitle: Who is the mystery man? ----- ## Who is the mysterious man? <%= leftblogimage( "mysteryman.jpg" , "l'homme mystérieux" ) %> Who's this mysterious man? He tells Fred it's him who invited him in his house. He's present at the party and in the house of Fred in the same time. Eyes wide open, looking everything Fred's doing? It's a key of the movie. In my humble opinion, I believe it represents the bad part of Fred. Certainly jalousy. If I was catholic, I'll said he's Satan. He observe, film but don't act. He helps Fred to kill Dick Laurent. Fred had let him enter and cannot let him go. As _Iago_ of Shakespeare is imprisonned by its own jalousy. The Mysterious Man help Fred doing the acts of violence. It also force Fred to remember the reality. When he makes love to his wife (Renee), he sees the face of the Mysterious Man instead of his wife's face. In reality, it's the same person for Fred. It should be her who's the origin of his interior badness.