----- # Custom isHidden: false menupriority: 1 kind: article created_at: 2009-10-23T10:53:16+02:00 title: launch daemon from command line multiTitle: fr: lancer un démon en ligne de commande en: launch daemon from command line multiDescription: fr: Pour lancer une commande qui continue de tourner après la fermeture du terminal il suffit de lancer la commande nohup cmd & en: To launch a command which will continu to run after the terminal is closed you only have to use nohup cmd & tags: - zsh - shell - script - tip ----- Here is a tip, I don't know why, but I almost always forgot how to do that. When you want to launch a command and this command should not be killed after you close your terminal. Here is how to accomplish that from command line:
nohup cmd & where cmd is your command.
I let this command here for me and I wish it could also help someone.