
Most of my latest programming activities are publicly available at*

YPassword 2008 →

Mainly an iOS application:

I’ve done fully the website from scratch. Also there are some javascript implementation of YPassword tehcnic:

  • a Mac OS X dashboard widget,
  • a Cappuccino Web application,
  • a jQuery Web application,
  • a command line tool,
  • an Applescript helper

Rubyzome 2009 →

Ruby API oriented framework. Done with Luc Juggery. This framework is REST oriented and output can be either JSON (preferred), but also XML or HTML.

Anonymous Network Project 02/2006 → 06/2006

Made a protocol similar to TOR* for student.

Other projects

  • Web Application used for private team usage at AirFrance 2008 →
    This application is just done for teh lulz*. Not related to the Airfrance work. But still pleasant.
    Javascript(Prototype.js, Scriptaculous), CSS, PHP/MySQL, Google Talk
  • metapost package* to draw Automata 2003 → 2004
  • Mac OS X Screensavers (YClock* & YAquaBubbles) 2003 → 2004
    Objective-C,Quartz Composer,Cocoa

You could find even more information by looking at:

Yann Esposito
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Under Creative Commons License
Modified: 2012-09-20
Done with Krambook
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