----- title: YPassword menupriority: 1 noSubMenu: true hidden: false ----- _Easy_, _Secure_ and _Portable_ way to manage your web passwords. Remember only _one_ strong password. And the rest follow. Here you can find: - A [Dashboard Widget](/Scratch/files/YPassword-1.6.zip), - An [Applescript](/Scratch/files/forcePaste.app.zip) to simulate copy/paste in protected fields, - An alpha [Web Application](/Scratch/en/softwares/ypassword/web/) made with [Cappuccino](http://cappuccino.org), - An alpha [Web Application](/Scratch/en/softwares/ypassword/iphoneweb/) for iPhone, - A [command line tool](http://github.com/yogsototh/YPasswordCLI). I'll soon release an iPhone application.