
Welcome on my personnal website.

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approximatively the 800 first characters.

11 Aug 2010 Undecidabilities

tl;dr: I pretend to create a world to give examples of different meanings behind the word undecidability:

  • Undecidability due to measure errors,
  • Big errors resulting from small initial measure error,
  • Fractal undecidability ;
  • Logic Undecidability.

The Undecidabilities

If a demiurge made our world, he certainly had a great sense of humor. After this read, you should be convinced. I’ll pretend to be him. I’ll create a simplified world. A world that obey to simple mathematical rules. And I’ll ...

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31 Jul 2010 New style after holidays

Before my holidays many visitors tell me my website was too long to scroll. This is why I completely changed my website design. Now all should scroll smoothly on all platforms. I was inspired by Readability and iBooks© (the iPhone© application).

Tell me what you think of this new design.

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7 Jul 2010 Do not use CSS gradient with Chrome

Some Reddit users reported my website was really long to load and to scroll. They thinks it was because of the ‘1px shadow’ I apply on all the text. I was a bit surprised, because I make some test into a really slow virtual machine. And all have always worked fine. In fact, what slow down so much are by order of importance:

  1. Radial gradient on Chrome (not in Safari on Mac)
  2. Box shadows on Firefox and Chrome


On Safari on Mac there is absolutely no rendering time problem. But when I use Chrome under Linux it is almost unusable.

Safari and Chrome use webkit, when you access my website with javascript enabled, an additionnal browser specific CSS is loaded....

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5 Jul 2010 Cappuccino vs jQuery


  • Tried to make YPassword in jQuery and with Cappuccino.
  • Cappuccino nice in desktop browser but 1.4MB, not compatible with iPhone.
  • jQuery not as nice as the Cappuccino version but 106KB. iPhone compatible.
  • I’ll give a try to Dashcode 3.

Before start, I must say I know Cappuccino and jQuery are no more comparable than Cocoa and the C++ standard library. One is oriented for user interface while the other is and helper for low level programming. Nonetheless I used these two to make the same web application. This is why I compare the expe...

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18 Jun 2010 jQuery popup the easy way

Some source code on this blog can be downloaded. Most of time, the code is larger than the div bloc. This is why I use a method to show this code in a large jQuery popup.

You can try clicking the following code ; remark that the content is cutted a bit after z-index:

// --- code popup ---
function openPopup() {

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This left bottom button get you on the top of page and open the menu.
Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Last modified: 07/15/2010
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
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