Presentation drawing


To better know me

Une photo de moi

Name Yann Esposito
Education Post Ph. D. in Computer Science
School Université de Provence
Job IT at Sophia Antipolis (France)

Books I like:

  • Goëdel, Escher & Bach [Hofstadter]
  • On Numbers And Games [Conway]
  • Baudolino [Eco]

Movies I like:

  • Eraserhead [Lynch]
  • Mullholland Drive [Lynch]
  • Naked Lunch [Cronenberg]
  • eXistenZ [Cronenberg]

My online bookmarks

In two words

I’m a passionate guy. Passionate about

But before all, I love to learn. For example, I learned many programming languages: C, C++, Objective-C, Python, Java, Perl, awk, bash, zsh, LaTeX, Metapost, camL… And I’ve got the same passion about computer science research, computer security, philosophy and many other things.

My little story

I had my Ph. D degree in Computer Science in december 2004 at the LIF (Marseille). During the 3 years of my formation, not only I made my research but I also teach computer science and programming to University degree students. I also developed a program to experiment my theoretical results.

Then I had a post Ph. D. Degree position in the Hubert Curien Laboratory at St-Etienne. My mission consisted to develop a scientific application (SEDiL). This application should be used by biologist and should have a simple and nice user interface.

Today I work for AirFrance© via Astek. This job need many differents skills, CMS and Web technologies, Perl, JSP, meta-programming…

Copyright ©, Yann Esposito
Modified: 04/29/2010
Entirely done with Vim and nanoc
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