# This file is needed if you want to host this website # using ruby rack. In particular on heroku. require 'rubygems' require 'rack' require 'rack/contrib' require 'rack-rewrite' require 'mime/types' use Rack::Deflater use Rack::ETag module ::Rack class TryStatic < Static def initialize(app, options) super @try = ([''] + Array(options.delete(:try)) + ['']) end def call(env) @next = 0 while @next < @try.size && 404 == (resp = super(try_next(env)))[0] @next += 1 end tmp=(404 == resp[0] ? @app.call : resp) if not tmp[1].nil? and not tmp[1]["Content-Type"].nil? then tmp[1]["Content-Type"]=tmp[1]["Content-Type"] + "; charset=utf-8" end return tmp end private def try_next(env) env.merge('PATH_INFO' => env['PATH_INFO'] + @try[@next]) end end end use Rack::Rewrite do r302 %r{/(Softwares.*)}, 'http://web.me.com/yann.esposito/$1' r302 %r{/(Perso.*)}, 'http://web.me.com/yann.esposito/$1' r302 %r{/YPassword(.*)}, '/Scratch/en/softwares/ypassword/iphoneweb' r302 %r{/(Bastien.*)}, 'http://web.me.com/yann.esposito/$1' end use Rack::TryStatic, :root => "output", # static files root dir :urls => %w[/], # match all requests :try => ['.html', 'index.html', '/index.html'] # try these postfixes sequentially errorFile='output/Scratch/en/error/404-not_found/index.html' run lambda { [404, { "Last-Modified" => File.mtime(errorFile).httpdate, "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "Content-Length" => File.size(errorFile).to_s }, File.read(errorFile)] }