centralized the cv

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2012-09-20 13:56:52 +02:00
parent 82bdcd6ec2
commit a435a4300b
3 changed files with 2 additions and 471 deletions

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@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
# Built-in
- erb
# Custom
title: Curriculum Vitæ
fr: Curriculum Vitæ
en: Resume
fr: résumé rapide
en: Short Abstract
menupriority: 3
<div style="text-align: center">
<a href="/Scratch/files/cv_en.pdf">
<img class="inside" src="/Scratch/img/about/cv/cv.png" alt="preview cv"/>
&darr; pdf version
Professional background
<desc Professionnal background>
from 2009 : GridPocket co-founder, Sophia Antipolis, France ::
from 2007 : Airfrance consultant, Astek, Sophia Antipolis, France ::
2006-2007 : Post PhD in the Laboratory Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France ::
2004-2006 : ATER, (College Degree Teacher) ::
2001-2004 : Allocataire Moniteur (PhD student with a grant + a teach grant) ::
1999-2000 : College degree teaching ::
2004 : PhD Degree in computer science in the
<a href="http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr"><abbr title="Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale">LIF</abbr></a>,
<a href="http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/"> Université de Provence</a>,
Marseille (France) ::
2001 : DEA in computer science ::
2000 : Maîtrise in computer science ::
1999 : Licence in computer science ::
1998 : DEUG MIAS (Math) ::
1995 : BAC S ::
Research activities
<li>Machine Learning, </li>
<li>Data Mining, </li>
<li>Grammatical Inference </li>
studied objects
<li>Markov chains,</li>
<li>Hidden Markov Models, </li>
<li>Multiplicity Automata, </li>
<li>Weighted Transducer, </li>
<li>Tree Weighted Automata, </li>
<li>Tree Edit Distance</li>
main theoretical results
<ul class="long">
Multiplicity Automata Algorithm which identifie the class of
rational stocastic languages in the limit with probability one,
The problem to know whether an MA generates a
probabilistic distribution is undecidable (was left open in
Probabilistic Automata, Azaria Paz, 1977),
Algorithm of identification in the limit with
probability one of some subclass of non deterministic <abbr title="Hidden Markov Model">HMM</abbr>
<h4><a href="http://yann.esposito.free.fr/sedil.php">SEDiL</a></h4>
<a href="http://yann.esposito.free.fr/sedil.php?lang=en">SEDiL</a>:
Software aimed to learn tree edit distances.
Developped in JAVA (11.000 lines with javadoc comments) ;
main features:
<ul class="small">
edition operations cost matrix learning,
tree or string edit distance computation,
tree and strings visualisation,
classification using the K nearest
neighbor algorithm,
Tree pairs generation,
<h4> <a href="http://yann.esposito.free.fr/dees.php">DEES</a> </h4>
<a href="http://yann.esposito.free.fr/dees.php">DEES</a>:
Software of Multiplicity Automata inference
written in C++ (7.500 lines, 10.000 with comments) ;
Main features:
<ul class="small">
Multiplicity Automata Inference,
Probabilistic Automata Inference
(Hidden Markov Model Inference ; learn Parameters
and <b>Structure</b>),
Deterministic Probabilistic Automata Inference
Baum Welch Algorithm
(learn parameter of an
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Markov_model">
<abbr title="Hidden Markov Model">HMM</abbr></a> from a sample),
<a href="http://www.graphviz.org">GraphViz</a> export,
Sample generation from an MA,
<li> And many others... </li>
Scientific Publications
International Journal
French Journal
International conferences
[ECML&nbsp;2008] [ICGI&nbsp;2006] [COLT&nbsp;2006] [COLT&nbsp;2004]
[ICALP&nbsp;2003] [ICGI&nbsp;2002] ::
Conférences nationales : [CAp'06] [CAp'04] [CAp'03] ::
Workshop : [TAGI'05] ::
PhD Thesis
: [Université&nbsp;de&nbsp;Provence&nbsp;2004] ::
Computer languages
<ul class="strong horizontal">
<li> Perl, </li>
<li> Ruby, </li>
<li> Awk, </li>
<li> Python, </li>
<li> Java, </li>
<li> C++, </li>
<li> C, </li>
<li> Objective-C, </li>
<li> PHP, </li>
<li> scripts shell (zsh et bash), </li>
<li> LaTeX, ConTeXt, Metapost </li>
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> CamL </li>
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> HTML, </li>
<li> XHTML, </li>
<li> CSS, </li>
<li> SVG, </li>
<li> PHP, </li>
<li> MySQL, </li>
<li> PostGreSQL </li>
Computer Networks
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> Ethernet, </li>
<li> TCP/IP, </li>
<li> UDP, </li>
<li> DHCP, </li>
<li> DNS, </li>
<li> tcpdump, </li>
<li> ethereal, </li>
<li> VPN </li>
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> PGP, GPG, </li>
Anonymous Networks,
<li> Network security</li>
Project Management
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> UML, </li>
<li> Merise, </li>
<li> SVN, </li>
<li> CVS </li>
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> System V, </li>
<li> POSIX, </li>
<li> STL (C++), </li>
<li> Cocoa (Mac OS X) </li>
<ul class="horizontal">
<li> Entreprise Miner (SAS), </li>
<li> Weka, </li>
<li> Quartz Composer </li>
Learning Methods
<ul class="horizontal small">
Markov&nbsp;Chains (bigrams,&nbsp;trigrams...),
Hidden&nbsp;Markov&nbsp;Models (<abbr title="Hidden Markov Model">HMM</abbr>),
Neural&nbsp;Network (Multilayer&nbsp;Perceptron),
Network Project
I have done with
<a href="http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr/~egodard"> Emmanuel Godard </a>
the conception of an
<a href="http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr/~esposito/enseignement/rez0.php">
anonymous network protocol (- in french -)</a>.
Mac Softwares
I've done some
<a href="http://yannesposito.com/YBlog/Softwares.html" >Mac sofwares</a>.
Such as screen saver using Quartz Composer, Dashboard widgets and
<h4> Web </h4>
<%= lnkto("You can see details on how I did this website","/about/technical_details"); %>.

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Custom
title: Curriculum Vitæ
menupriority: 2
<p><a href="http://j.mp/btfRJ2">La dernière version de mon curriculum vitæ sur iWork</a>.</p>
<p class="small">
Si vous souhaitez pouvoir télécharger ce document en format PDF, iWorks ou Word, merci de me communiquer votre email. Je pourrais vous ajouter à la liste des invités. Il me semble qu'il s'agit d'un bug de la part d'Apple sur ce service encore en &beta;.

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@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ fr: Films que j'aime :
en: [My online bookmarks on pinboard](http://pinboard.in/u:yogsototh)
fr: [Mes bookmarks sur pinboard](http://pinboard.in/u:yogsototh)
en: [My resume](/resume)
fr: [Mon cv (en anglais)](/resume)
en: ## Shortly
fr: ## En deux mots