Clean up a bit

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2012-01-17 17:37:34 +01:00
parent cb7eeeddaa
commit 0b4076ecb5

View file

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Obviously:
| `config/routes` | is where you'll configure the map %url → Code. |
| `Handler/` | contains the files that will contain the code called when a %url is accessed. |
| `templates/` | contains HTML, JS and %css templates. |
| `templates/` | contains %html, js and %css templates. |
| `config/models` | is where you'll configure the persistent objects (database tables). |
During this tutorial we'll modify other files as well,
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ getEchoR theText = do
Don't worry if you find all of this a bit cryptic.
In short it just declare a function named `getEchoR` with one argument (`theText`) of type String.
When this function is called, it return a `Handler RepHtml` whatever it is.
But mainly this will encapsulate our expected result inside an HTML text.
But mainly this will encapsulate our expected result inside an %html text.
After saving the file, you should see yesod recompile the application.
When the compilation is finished you'll see the message: `Starting devel application`.
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ A malicious user could not hide some bad script inside.
This behavior is a direct consequence of _type safety_.
The %url string is put inside a %url type.
Then the interesting part in the %url is put inside a String type. To pass from %url type to String type some transformation are made. For example, replace all "`%20`" by space characters.
Then to show the String inside an HTML document, the string is put inside an HTML type. Some transformations occurs like replace "<code><</code>" by "`&lt;`".
Then to show the String inside an %html document, the string is put inside an %html type. Some transformations occurs like replace "<code><</code>" by "`&lt;`".
Thanks to yesod, this tedious job is done for us.
<code class="zsh">
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Thanks to yesod, this tedious job is done for us.
"some text<a>" :: String
"some text &lt;a&gt;" :: HTML
"some text &lt;a&gt;" :: Html
Yesod is not only fast, it helps us to remain secure.
@ -480,10 +480,9 @@ postMirrorR = do
Don't forget to declare it inside `yosog.cabal` and `Application.hs`.
We will need to use the `reverse` function provided by `Data.Text` which explain the import.
We will need to use the `reverse` function provided by `Data.Text` which explain the additional import.
The only new thing here is the line that get the POST parameter named "content".
If you want to know more detail about it and form in general you can take look at [the yesod book](
Create the two corresponding templates:
@ -558,21 +557,12 @@ module Handler.Blog
import Import
To use Html in forms
<code class="haskell">
-- to use Html into forms
import Yesod.Form.Nic (YesodNic, nicHtmlField)
instance YesodNic Yosog
Define a form for adding a new article.
Don't pay attention to all the syntax.
If you are curious you can take a look at Applicative Functor.
You just have to remember `areq` is for required form input.
Its arguments being: `areq type label default_value`.
<code class="haskell">
entryForm :: Form Article
entryForm = renderDivs $ Article
@ -580,74 +570,98 @@ entryForm = renderDivs $ Article
<*> areq nicHtmlField "Content" Nothing
This function defines a form for adding a new article.
Don't pay attention to all the syntax.
If you are curious you can take a look at Applicative Functor.
You just have to remember `areq` is for required form input.
Its arguments being: `areq type label default_value`.
<code class="haskell">
-- The view showing the list of articles
getBlogR :: Handler RepHtml
getBlogR = do
-- Get the list of articles inside the database.
articles <- runDB $ selectList [] [Desc ArticleTitle]
-- We'll need the two "objects": entryWidget and enctype
-- We'll need the two "objects": articleWidget and enctype
-- to construct the form (see template/articles.hamlet).
((_,entryWidget), enctype) <- generateFormPost entryForm
((_,articleWidget), enctype) <- generateFormPost entryForm
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "articles")
Just take a look at the content of `template/articles.hamlet`.
This handler should display a list of articles.
We get the list from the DB and we construct the form.
Just take a look at the corresponding template:
<code class="html" file="articles.hamlet">
<h1> Articles
$if null articles
-- <!-- Show a standard message if there is no article -->
<p>There are no article.
-- Show a standard message if there is no article
-- <!-- Show the list of articles -->
-- Show the list of articles
$forall article <- articles
<a href=@{ArticleR (fst article)} > #{articleTitle (snd article)}
<form method=post enctype=#{enctype}>
<input type=submit value="Post new article">
You should remark we added some logic inside the template.
Now look at how to handle the creation of a new article.
There is a test and a "loop".
Another very interesting part is the creation of the form.
The `articleWidget` was created by yesod.
We have given him the right parameters (input required or optional, labels, default values).
And now we have a protected form made for us.
But we have to create the submit button.
Get back to `Handler/Blog.hs`.
<code class="haskell">
-- we continue Handler/Blog.hs
postBlogR :: Handler RepHtml
postBlogR = do
((res,entryWidget),enctype) <- runFormPost entryForm
((res,articleWidget),enctype) <- runFormPost entryForm
case res of
FormSuccess article -> do
articleId <- runDB $ insert article
setMessageI $ MsgEntryCreated $ articleTitle article
setMessage $ (articleTitle article) ++. " created"
redirect RedirectPermanent $ ArticleR articleId
_ -> defaultLayout $ do
setTitleI MsgPleaseCorrectEntry
setTitle "Please correct your entry form"
$(widgetFile "articleAddError")
(++.) t s = toHtml $ T.append t (T.pack s)
This function should be used to create a new article.
The `++.` is just a trick to make an append occurs within the right type.
We handle the form response.
If there is an error we go to an error message.
For example if we left some required value blank.
<code class="haskell">
getArticleR :: ArticleId -> Handler RepHtml
getArticleR articleId = do
article <- runDB $ get404 articleId
muser <- maybeAuth
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle $ toHtml $ articleTitle article
$(widgetFile "article")
<div style="display:hidden">
<%= startTodo %>
</li><li> Create a minimal blog system.
</li><li> Use Authentification.
<li> Use Authentification.
<%= endTodo %>